Sweet Seduction

Sweet Seduction by Daire St. Denis

Book: Sweet Seduction by Daire St. Denis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daire St. Denis
anything left if you keep stalling.”
    She heard the words but it was impossible to process them. The only thing she was capable of was shaking her head and watching the tears drip down off her chin, blurring the court order to sell the bakery that she’d been served with two weeks ago.
    Alan stood. “I was willing to bargain with you today. But no more. One month, Daise. You give me my share of the bakery by the end of the month, otherwise it’ll go to court and you won’t get a dime. Do you understand?” Alan stormed around the table, muttering, “Such a waste of time. Such a waste of money,” before slamming the door behind him.
    * * *
    J AMIE DIDN ’ T MOVE as he sat across from Daisy, watching her cry. At one point he shut his eyes because her tears were too painful to witness, yet listening was worse because the sounds she made reminded him of sounds she’d made a mere thirty-six hours ago, only now she was moaning out of pure misery.
    â€œYou’re a bastard, you know that?” Her voice, though soft, was thick with emotion.
    When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by Daisy’s tear-stained face. Her nostrils flared as she struggled to take deep breaths. “How could you?” She stood, her hands shaking as she fumbled to pick up the documents strewn across the table.
    Jamie hurried around the table to help. “Daisy, listen—”
    She slapped his hands away. “I don’t know what’s worse.” Her breathing was so ragged she could barely speak and her words came out in stuttering hiccups. “The fact you denied knowing me or that you’re helping my ex ruin me.” She made a sound, something like a half sob, half laugh, and then pressed a hand to her mouth as if that’d keep the sounds inside.
    â€œDaisy, sit down. Please.”
    â€œSit down with you? No, thank you.” She tucked the file under her arm and turned to go.
    Jamie was not about to let her leave, not in this state, and not until she heard him out. He stepped in front of her, blocking the door. “This is serious. You need to sit down, calm down and listen to me.”
    â€œDon’t you dare tell me what I need.” She shoved him with her shoulder as if she was a linebacker. The action surprised him enough that he stumbled out of the way, giving Daisy a chance to open the door.
    He followed her out into the hall, talking quietly as they made their way to the elevator. “I’ve barely looked at the file, but I saw enough to know the magnitude of your situation.”
    She pressed the button for the elevator and stood there, completely ignoring him, blotting her cheeks with the back of her hand.
    â€œYou need to find yourself a lawyer, it’s required by law, and you need to act soon. Otherwise it’s going to get ugly.”
    â€œI know people you could call.” He found his card holder and located the card of a colleague. When he held it out to her and she still didn’t acknowledge him, he said, “I’m not trying to ruin you. I’m trying to help you.”
    The elevator doors opened and Daisy stepped inside. She turned, and when Jamie started to get on the elevator with her, she blocked his path. “If you take one step inside this elevator, I will press the emergency button and tell people you’re harassing me.” The last few words sounded like a hiss—harsh and final.
    Jamie stood silently as the elevator doors closed. The last thing he saw was Daisy’s mouth move—the very mouth he’d kissed so passionately a day ago—forming the words I hate you before she disappeared from view.
    * * *
    D AISY STOOD ON the sidewalk outside the brownstone in Old Town, looking up at the building, hating herself. Oh, there were so many reasons to hate herself right now, not the least of which was her obviously abysmal taste in men. To think she’d actually thought Jamie was

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