Sworn to Protect

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Book: Sworn to Protect by DiAnn Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: DiAnn Mills
    “Apprehended nearly fifty illegals last night.” Herrera crossed his arms over his chest. “One of them was another Zeta. Not sure what’s going on with the gangs, but keep an eye out. Our sources say retaliation against the Border Patrol is imminent. Thanks to the Border Patrol along the Rio Grande, the tricks used by the smugglers are falling by the wayside.” He took a sip of his coffee and pointed to the wall map. “Right here, near sensor 215, we found a man and woman shot in the head. Most likely drugs. No identification.”
* * *
    Jacob couldn’t concentrate on muster with the truth about Nadine ringing in his head. The horrible accusations they had thrown at each other kept repeating like an obnoxious mockingbird, and the other kids had heard every word. He’d tried to sleep on the family room sofa, but his racing thoughts barred any rest. The idea of lying next to Barbara, who had betrayed him to his children, made him want to stay as far away from her as possible.
    Memories of Nadine filled his mind all night. He remembered when he learned Barbara was pregnant and that their first child would be a girl. They didn’t have a cent in the bank, but he had his job as a Border Patrol agent and plenty of dreams to last a lifetime. As the weeks went by, Barbara urged him to touch her bulging stomach so he could feel his baby girl move. When Nadine chose to enter the world, he was there to welcome her. Barely six pounds, she struggled to breathe. Within an hour, the doctors had rushed her to surgery for a damaged heart. He and Barbara had prayed until there were no more words or tears left. But little Nadine Marie Morales fought to live.
    Jacob had promised Barbara and Nadine that he’d always be there to protect them. Later his promise extended to Kaitlyn, Amber, and Jake Jr. He’d done a good job until two years ago. That was before he became disillusioned with the politics and policies of the Border Patrol. Or maybe his disillusionment was due to the inept police who couldn’t find his brother’s killer.
    What had happened to Nadine? Seventeen years later, his little girl despised him and used prescription drugs to balance her problematic life. His Naddie had chosen to escape reality instead of confronting life with the same fight that had carried her when she was a few hours old.
    Barbara was someone he no longer recognized. She barely tolerated him, and his children fled to other parts of the house when he entered a room. No wonder his doctor had upped his blood pressure medication.
    Shaking off the lack of sleep, Jacob snatched up his keys and headed to his assigned vehicle for the day. He didn’t talk to any of the other agents, and the last person he wanted to see was Danika. She and Barbara were in this thing together to discredit him to his family and peers. But he’d prevail. He wasn’t a loser. Not yet, anyway.
    The morning wore on with the signs leading nowhere. His mood plummeted.
    His cell phone rang, and when he saw it was Barbara, anger surfaced again. He’d have given both arms for it to have been Nadine.
    “Jacob, we have a problem.” Her voice trembled.
    “What’s wrong? Out of bread and milk?”
    “Keep your sarcasm for another day,” she said. “Nadine has run away. She’s taken her clothes and left a note.”
    This had to be a ploy on Barbara’s part. His daughter would not leave home. Would she? “What did the note say?”
    “You’re not going to like this. But since you asked, I’ll read it to you: ‘Mom, I can’t live with Daddy any longer. I’m tired of waiting for him to change, and he just gets meaner. I tried to be patient and be strong for Kaitlyn, Amber, and Jake. But I can’t. I’m sorry.’”
    “Did you put her up to it?”
    “Why do you say such cruel things?”
    He heard the belligerence, the disrespect. He should be used to it by now.
    “Sensor tripped at 210,” the radio blared.
    “I have to go.” He disconnected his phone and responded

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