Taken By Storm

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Book: Taken By Storm by Donna Fletcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Fletcher
adamantly. “I want something to make sense. Tell me something that makes sense.”
    “Love?” Burke questioned his own suggestion.
    “You don’t sound as if you believe that yourself.”
    “It was my first thought so I went with it.” He finished tying off the dry bandage. “When you think about it, though, love might just make the most sense. It’s what brought me here and what makes you rescue the helpless. It’s a driving force that has people accomplishing extraordinary things. And once love takes hold there’s no stopping it.”
    Storm looked as if she contemplated that as she sipped her brew, then she asked, “Have you ever loved?”
    “There’s many people I’ve loved, but if you ask if there’s a special woman, then the answer is no.”
    “You’ve never been married?”
    “Not even close,” he confirmed with a laugh.
    “You don’t wish to wed?”
    “I will only wed when I fall in love, completely, foolishly, deeply, and without doubt. I intend to share the pitfalls and the joys of life with her until our dying day.”
    “What a lovely thought. I wish you success in your quest to find such a love, but then you’re stubborn enough to be successful.”
    “A trait we have in common,” he reminded, and thought to ask about her husband, but realized it wasn’t a good time. She had suffered enough with losing a brother. She didn’t need memories of her husband adding to her pain.
    “Leaders are never stubborn, Mr. Longton.” She smiled. “We are wise.”
    He smiled along with her, pleased that she had acknowledged him as a leader sharing the same quality.
    “Thank you,” she said softly.
    “For what?”
    She tucked the blanket around her. “For covering me up and warming me.”
    “I never meant to intrude on your privacy,” he explained. “The door was ajar and I hoped you had returned safely from your journey.”
    “Weary, but safe,” she confirmed.
    He wanted to reach out, wrap her in his arms, and take her to bed—to sleep. She needed rest, and he’d make sure she got it. He wouldn’t let her out of his arms until she slept a good many hours.
    “Now if you will excuse me, sleep will be a welcome reprieve for me.”
    “I couldn’t agree more,” he said, relieved she’d finally get the rest she needed, and walked to the door. He turned, holding the door ajar. “You won’t be going off somewhere in the middle of the night, will you?”
    “To tell the truth, once I fall asleep I don’t think anyone will be able to wake me.”
    He grinned. “Sounds good to me.” He stopped again before going out the door. “But if by chance another emergency arises, please wake me. I’d be only too glad to help out.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    He wanted to insist, but thought better of it. Storm would do what she wanted regardless, so he’d have to sleep lightly and keep aware of sounds and make certain she didn’t slip past him once again.
    The rain continued for a few hours throughout the night, then stopped. Burke slept on and off, his sleepdisturbed by dreams and sounds. Finally, as the first hint of dawn rose on the horizon, he tossed the covers aside and got dressed in his trousers, shirt, and the brown leather vest Angus had given him.
    He hadn’t heard a sound from Storm’s room all night. He assumed she slept soundly but he wanted to make sure for his own peace of mind. He kept his footsteps light and with a gentle push of her door, he peeked inside.
    Several oaths spilled from his lips.
    Storm wasn’t there.
    He descended the rope in an instant and made his way through the camp searching for her. She had an uncanny way of disappearing. It seemed that no one had seen her. He knew better. No one would tell him where she went. He wasn’t really one of them, and therefore he wasn’t fully trusted.
    Why hadn’t he heard her leave? His sleep had been restless enough and he’d been alert.
    Janelle bid him good morning but knew nothing of Storm’s whereabouts or

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