Taken by the Trillionaires

Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield

Book: Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Mansfield
to a lifestyle that went completely against everything she believed in?
    She walked to the bedroom to give Cody one last kiss for the night, before she headed to the hallway to see Bo, who she knew was waiting with some sort of punishment for her. How would a man who lived for video games and cartoon characters punish her?
    When she arrived at Bo’s door, there was a note on it telling her to come right in and dress in the room she’d changed in before. She sighed. She wasn’t sure she liked being “Princess Peach” all the time.
    She hurried to the room and changed into her Princess Peach dress and slipped the tiara on. Glancing in the mirror, she rolled her eyes at how silly she looked. Eventually he would want to make love to Erin and not a cartoon character, right?
    She walked to his bedroom door and raised her hand to knock. Erin wasn’t certain she was ready for him, but she knew he was ready for her. She wasn’t in charge of her life and knew it.
    Bo opened the door dressed in the same Luigi costume he’d worn the first time she’d been with him. She walked into the room, ready to beg him not to hurt her in any way.
    His eyes met hers. “You’ve been a bad girl, Princess Peach. You called me by another man’s name while I was inside you. That’s unacceptable.”
    She bowed her head, partially because her role insisted on it, but partially so she could roll her eyes without him seeing. “I’m sorry, Luigi.”
    “Now, instead of having me taking you straight to my bed, you’re going to have to spend a little bit of time with Yoshi.” He indicated the green dragon beside her, which was about the size of a horse.
    She frowned. Visiting Bo was always strange. She stepped into the stirrup on one side of him and swung herself over so she was sitting astride the toy. Why is this a punishment?
    He stepped up behind her straightening her skirt around her so it jutted out , and her private parts were pressed flat against the cold back of the dragon. She sat on the dragon looking down at him, trying to figure out how this was a punishment. He pulled a remote control from his pocket, and the dragon started moving. She was startled and clung to its neck as it started bumping up and down as well as spinning.
    She smiled, enjoying the ride, laughing softly. It was fun! She’d just started enjoying the ride, when he pushed another button, and something slid out of the dragon directly below her. Startled she gasped and tried to move away, but it went straight up into her pussy. What was he doing to her?
    She wiggled a little until the small phallic object was in her more comfortably, and then he pushed another button, making it go even faster. She was being screwed by the dragon, and she liked it. She was flung around, her pussy already sensitive after her time with Cody. It was going to make her climax. She could feel it building. She felt her face turning red, and she moaned loudly.
    “Oh my God! This feels so good!” She wiggled a little to get the full benefit of the dildo inside her, her breath starting to come in a pant. This was going to be her most powerful climax ever, she knew.
    Suddenly the motion stopped and the phallus disappeared back into the dragon. She groaned. “No! I’m not ready for it to stop yet!”
    Bo laughed softly, having unfastened his pants while she rode Yoshi. His cock was standing out strong and sure from his body. “Think you’ll remember my name this time?”
    She slumped over Yoshi’s green head, almost in tears from the sudden stop of motion. “I’m so close.”
    He held up his hand to help her down and she gripped it tightly, swinging her leg over the back of the dragon before sliding to the floor. He nodded toward the bed and she went to it eagerly. She sat on the edge of the bed waiting to see what he wanted from her. She bit back her demand that he hurry, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate her telling him what to do.
    He approached the bed. “On your hands and knees,

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