Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series)

Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series) by Rita Garcia Page B

Book: Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series) by Rita Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Garcia
recognized their shoes—they’d been in the shop yesterday. They had asked questions about several items and promised to be back later with their wives.” Maggie began sobbing. “They forgot to bring their wives—they brought guns instead.”
    Anger flashed on Logan’s face. “Give us a description, Maggie.”
    Zack listened and made notes as she identified the two suspects that had entered from the end of the alleyway. He looked at Logan. “That’s them—they’re the ones we have in custody.”
    Logan grimaced as if to control his words. “Zack, rush back to the station and make sure nothing goes wrong. I’m taking Maggie to Samantha.”
    “You got it, Chief.” Zack arrived at the station and found the place in a total frenzy. Ted and Nicole were both yelling over each other. Alec was attempting to quiet the two of them down. Zack stepped in and separated them. “What’s going on?”
    Ted scrubbed his hand across his face. “The suspects—they walked right out of the station.”
    “What do you mean they walked out? Three suspects just strutted out of a police station?” He gave a quick shake of his head, trying to unjumble the words so they made sense.
    “They snuck out of the interrogation room and waltzed right out the door.” Nicole shot an accusing glare at Ted. “Under Ted’s watch.”
    “Stop.” Zack eyed Ted and then Nicole. “Take this up with Logan later. Let’s get out on the streets and find these culprits.”
    On the way to his truck, he called Logan. The chief’s response echoed his own, as he threatened to fire the whole force.
    Logan ordered the whole team to meet with him. Hank had set up chairs in one of the rooms. They filed in. Ted, Nicole, Alec, and Zack. Besides Hank, who manned the phones part-time, they made up the entire Serenity Cove Police Department—along with the chief, of course.
    When Logan entered, the room went still and silent. His face looked as though he’d spent too much time in the sun—only with the burn of anger. “I don’t want to hear one excuse as to how or why these criminals strutted right out of this station. I want them caught and I want them behind bars or you’re going to be gracing the unemployment line. And I want a written report from each one of you on my desk by the end of the day.” He turned and stalked out of the room.
    Zack followed Logan into his office. He opened the file folder he’d ordered from the detective division in Stone Valley and threw the sketches on Logan’s desk. “These guys know they’ll be recognized on sight. There’s a good chance they’re heading out of town. I’m thinking we should call the Mariner Bay division and have them throw up a roadblock halfway between Serenity Cove and Mariner Bay.”
    Logan hesitated briefly. “Where the old covered bridge stands?”
    “That works.” Zack nodded in agreement.
    Logan shook his head as he picked up his phone. “This isn’t the first time a department has had to swallow its embarrassment and move forward. It sure tastes bitter.” Logan finished his call and shoved his phone into the clip on his belt. “Okay, the roadblock is being set up. I’m going to follow your instincts on this one—it’s all we’ve got. But there is a chance they’ll lie low right here in Serenity.” He grabbed his cap. “We better get a move on it.” On the way out, he instructed Alec to ride with him and Zack. He called out to Ted and Nicole to follow. “Let’s go create a gridlock and catch some criminals.”

Chapter Eighteen

    Warm summer evenings had arrived on an earlier flight than expected. Jezzica sat with Catylen, watching Tasha and Lauren in a game of volleyball on the beach below.
    “Want to go down on the shore and get closer to the action?” Jezzica rose from her chair on the deck, putting Rusty inside the cottage and closing the door.
    “You know what would be fun? Making a fire.” Catylen slid her feet into her sandals. “Let’s take

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