The Accused
liked the feel of the place and the food. Then one of the longtime waitresses quit right in front of me to follow a long-haul trucker to Mississippi and I thought, Why the heck not? I guess it sounds a little crazy.”
    “Not to me. And if it worked out for you, then it was good to go with your gut.”
    Connie nodded. “At first, I was nervous, having never lived in a place this small before, but the people here are great and they look out for each other. It’s not what I’m used to, but it’s nice.” She peered over Alaina’s shoulder and out the café storefront. “Here comes one of Calais’s finest.”
    Alaina glanced back just as Carter exited his truck. She whipped back around and Connie raised her eyebrows.
    “I take it you’ve met the sexy sheriff?” she asked.
    “He’s my babysitter,” Alaina said. “His words, not mine.”
    “Hmm. I’d find statements like that a bit irritating, but it wouldn’t diminish his hotness any.”
    “Go for it.”
    “No way. He’s not my type.”
    “Sexy isn’t your type?”
    Connie laughed. “Serious and narrowly focused isn’t my type. Law enforcement guys tend to be married to their jobs.”
    The bell over the café door jangled and Alaina heard footsteps behind her, then Carter slid onto the stool next to her.
    “You’re in my spot,” he said with a smile, “but I’ll allow it this time as you’re new in town.”
    Connie rolled her eyes at Alaina, then turned to pour him a cup of coffee.
    “You’re up early,” he said as Connie slid the coffee in front of him. “Was everything okay last night? Has the power come back on yet?”
    You imagined it.
    She was going to keep thinking it until she believed it. The last thing she needed was Carter reporting back to the estate attorney that the heiress was crazy.
    “Things were okay. The storm was a bit intense and the power’s still off, but I’m hoping it’s on by the time I head back.”
    He nodded. “A couple of power lines are down, but a crew was already working on them when I drove past. It shouldn’t take long.”
    She shrugged, trying to appear casual about the whole thing even though she didn’t feel that way. “I have nothing to hurry over. I’ll sit here and have a good breakfast—assuming the cook ever shows up—and then make a trip to the store to get some supplies.”
    “Sounds like a good plan. Except for the cook part.” He looked over at Connie, who was refilling salt shakers. “Jack isn’t here yet?”
    Purcell’s former errand boy had fallen in love with a local widow six months before and decided to make a go of the straight life. He’d been fortunate to get a chance cooking at the café.
    “No. Ten minutes after is normal, but it’s thirty past now.” She frowned. “The past week, though, it seems he’s been pushing later every day.”
    Carter sighed. “He’s drinking again.”
    Connie’s eyes widened. “I didn’t say that.”
    “You didn’t have to. I’ve known Jack my whole life. I’ll drop by this evening and have a talk with him.”
    “If he’s got a real problem,” Alaina said, “it probably won’t do any good.”
    “No,” Carter agreed, “but when my mom asks if I’ve spoken to Jack, I can say yes with a clear conscience and not have to endure her disapproval.”
    Alaina smiled. “I think I like your mother.”
    “Everyone likes Mrs. Trahan,” Connie said. “She’s absolutely fabulous.”
    The back door of the café slammed and a couple of seconds later, a scruffy man—probably in his mid-forties—walked up to the grill and turned it on. Then he reached for the coffeepot and poured himself a huge cup. Alaina saw his hands shaking a bit as he poured.
    “And good morning to you, sunshine,” Connie said.
    Jack barely turned and mumbled a hello before starting to oil the grill. But it was long enough for Alaina to catch a glimpse of his bloodshot eyes. She glanced over at Carter and saw him frowning. He’d been right about the

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