The Alpha's Desire 4

The Alpha's Desire 4 by Willow Brooks Page A

Book: The Alpha's Desire 4 by Willow Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Brooks
again, sure I had no makeup left on at this point. Nira had put an arsenal of it in the purse she’d gotten me, so I would have plenty of time to reapply on the plane.
    My stomach tightened, to think of Lex and I together this morning. That first time had been fast and hot in the shower, having been separated as we were, with the threat of death over us. Then, he’d, with some effort on his part, gotten me back down to making love, soft and slow, or at least as much as he could manage himself. I’d loved that large, spa-like bathroom before. I had figured it would stay with me, a new secret longing to add to that dream house I assumed I’d never own. Now, it held a special place in my heart, in my memories, as we’d marked it, and it hadn’t even been ours.
    My thoughts, a hot and steamy replay of this morning, were interrupted when the SUV came to a stop outside the entrance to a private hanger. It stood there, a large rectangle of white metal, door open, housing a not-so-small plane set to whisk us away to some private island. I’d no idea what I was in for on this flight, or once I got to this island. Yet, this time around, I was ready and willing, eager even, so much so that the butterflies in my stomach were barely incited by nerves.
    “It’s huge,” I exclaimed, the words rushing from me before I realized the thoughts had escaped.
    “What did you expect?” Nira teased. “These are Royals. Get used to large and extravagant, my dear. Enjoy.”
    I managed to nod, trying to play it cool, and not stand there with my mouth hanging open, my eyes probably like a kid with an ice cream sundae in a large serving bowl, sprinkles and all, including two cherries on top. As two men, Royal werewolves I was told, came to meet us, I looked to Nira, a lump in my throat with all the sentiments I wanted to express rushing through me. Though, I seemed to remain without the words to express them. I gave a forced grin, those damn tears misting over my eyes, matching ones in hers which encouraged more in mine. A vicious cycle I grew more and more grateful for, as I was having gotten to meet her.
    “I will miss you,” she said. “It truly has been my honor to meet you, and to help you. You are going to do great things. I just know it. Come back to see us again sometime. You must promise me that. It is all I want in return, is to hear of all of your accomplishments, to see what you can do with training, given all you have done without any.”
    “I can’t say thanks enough, to you and all of your kind, both those you lost saving us, and those who continue on,” I rattled on, unable to get all I wanted to say out into words. “It has changed me, meeting you, in more ways than one. I will be forever in your debt for my life. And, I will come to visit. I promise. And, not just for that bathroom,” I joked to lighten the mood, though the cracking of my voice didn’t stop.
    I threw myself into her outstretched arms, getting another of her big, strong hugs, making it last a moment more. When I finally pulled back, Lex had his hand out, waiting for an appreciative, firm handshake. She shook his hand, but pulled him in for a hug, as well. As we walked away from her, I marveled again at how different real vampires were from those in fiction, all the different representations of them. Whether portrayed as good guys or bad guys, sparkly or bloodthirsty, none of them had come close to what they really were.
    As I boarded the plane, I thought of my book. My fingers wiggled, wanting a laptop to make some notes for the story that was growing in my head. Each day had brought more action, more details to add. Of course, life would have to slow down a bit for me to get any writing time, but I didn’t think that, where we were going, that would happen anytime soon. Regardless, on this protected island, so protected it remained invisible to the real world, the busy would be happy and exciting rather than

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