The Ancient Alien Question

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Book: The Ancient Alien Question by Philip Coppens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philip Coppens
bright, fiery cloud of amber color coming out of the north. As it drew closer, he saw four disk-shaped objects, which he described as “wheels,” at least one of which landed near Ezekiel. Four humanoid creatures came out of the craft, each apparently having four “wings,” which could have been a device strapped to their back. The devices enabled the creatures to move about rapidly (“and the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning”). That the wings were some type of device is suggested by Ezekiel’s description that “when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great water.” He saw a throne above the ship—a dome-like structure with a pilot’s seat?—with the “likeness of a man” seated in it. This frightened Ezekiel so much that he fell on his face. A voice emanated from the ship telling him to get up. He was then taken aboard the ship and heard the “noise of the wheels...and a noise of great rushing” and was carried to Tel Abib, where his fellow exiles lived and where he sat “astonished among them seven days.”
Could the “visions” of Ezekiel, which some scientists have argued might be due to temporal lobe epilepsy, be real? That idea is precisely the conclusion reached by Blumrich, a manof science. He is absolutely convinced that what happened to Ezekiel was physically real: He was taken onboard a spaceship, and what he described in his vision were technical details that we are only able to interpret correctly because by the second half of the 20th century, we had the proper framework: the capability to build spaceships.
    Giants and Hybrids
One of the most intriguing references in the Bible, at least when it comes to anomalous sightings, is chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis, with its references to “giants,” which are clearly nonhuman, but somehow were able to sexually liaise with human women.
1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
This is the very passage that set Sitchin on his quest, and it is indeed one of the truly enigmatic passages of the Bible. Taken literally, the Bible states that in those days there were giants on our planet, and it was also at that time that the “sons of God”introduced themselves to “the daughters of men,” and had children with them. It clearly reads that this was a meeting of two species, the “sons of God” being clearly not human, but somehow able to create offspring with humans.
The Nephilim are sometimes translated as “giants,” sometimes as “fallen,” and are therefore sometimes identified as the fallen angels. The story goes that when Lucifer rebelled against God, he was allowed by God to take up residence on Earth and many other angels followed. The Nephilim were present on Earth before the Flood, and one interpretation suggests that God caused the Flood to rid the Earth of the Nephilim, as well as the hybrid creatures the “sons of God” had created with humankind. However, the Bible also suggests that the Nephilim were present on Earth after the Flood.
The translation of Nephilim as “giants” comes from the Greek Old Testament, where Nephilim was rendered as “gegantes,” which looks like giants , but would actually be Titans . Not coincidentally, the titans were the supernaturally powerful offspring of the union of gods and humans.
The union of “sons of Gods” and women is indeed not unique to the Hebrew Bible. There

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