The Broken Lake
    “I think we should keep doing different things. Let’s not give fate the weapon of routine. Let’s make it a point to deviate from what is anticipated. Like this. You didn’t expect me to like fishing. And look how much fun we’re having.”
    His face was starting to harden. “I don’t think we can trick fate, Sophie.”
    “I don’t want to trick anything. I just don’t want to walk right into it. What do we have to lose? Maybe we can take the long way around.”
    He kissed me again, but differently. It was more of a comforting kiss. “You’re right. It’s worth a try. Sophie and Weston—outrunning themselves.” He rolled his eyes.
    “Hey.” I scrunched up my brows.
    “I’m just joking. I like the idea as long as I get to spend time with you. Which reminds me. If you’re finished with your theories, I’d like to spend time with my
    I obliged and kissed him again. He asked me if I was hungry, and I wasn’t, so I passed. But I was curious. I got him to tell me what was in the cooler. Ham-and-Swiss sandwiches, chips, strawberries, and sparkling cider. The sound of it all
making me hungry, but I preferred the closeness I had with him at the moment, so I chose to stay in the water a little longer.
    “Do you mind if I float?” he asked.
    “No, of course not. But can I touch the bottom? I can’t float with my arm.”
    “I’m not going to let go of you. I just want us to float.”
    I couldn’t figure out how he was going to accomplish that with me, but I trusted him enough to know he would keep me and my cast above water.
    “Put your legs down,” he instructed.
    “Huh? Oh, sorry.” I realized I still had them clamped around his waist. I slowly let them drop, and once my body was vertical to his, he pressed me up against him and tilted himself backward.
    Slowly, I felt myself rise out of the water until I was lying on him. “Whoa.”
    “I’ve got you.”
    Once I relaxed, I felt weightless. He was floating on his back effortlessly and I was lying on top of him like he was a raft. I propped myself up on my forearms and studied his calm, perfect face in the sunlight. His eyes were closed and I could see that he was completely comfortable and relaxed. I looked around the panoramic view of the lake and couldn’t help but feel relaxed too.
    It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. I was floating in a beautiful lake with the only person in the world that I wanted to be with. My soul mate, my love, my everything. There was nothing else I wanted in the entire universe. What I wanted, what I needed, was right there with me.
    I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, feeling the sun on my back. I felt us rock ever so slightly and sway back and forth with the gentle current, listening to the slow, steady beats of his heart.
    That lake had no doubt become one of my new favorite places. Not Amelia’s, not Lenny’s, but Sophie’s new place.
place. No, not just mine. It was
place—our lake. Our lake of complete happiness.

Chapter 8
    I could’ve stayed on that lake all day, but the temperature wasn’t warm enough for Wes. It was okay for a short time, but then I felt his body getting cooler.
    “I’m okay, Sophie.” He kept saying, and he was for a while.
    But I wasn’t oblivious to the coolness beneath me, so I ordered him to float us on in. It was almost invigorating. I felt in charge, guiding and leading my ship to the dock. In command of my vessel. A very cute one. I smiled the whole way, wishing we could stay connected like this forever.
    After drying off, Wes began unpacking our picnic. I laughed as he unfolded a red-and-white checked blanket. “Wes. You’ve been watching way too much TV.”
    He smiled without commenting and organized everything in a neat display of fine dining by the lake. Opening a bottle of sparkling cider, he poured us each a glass. He handed mine over as I watched the fizz settle, trying to determine if the

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