The Children's Crusade

The Children's Crusade by Carla Jablonski Page B

Book: The Children's Crusade by Carla Jablonski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Jablonski
Daniel. You know that,” Kerwyn scolded. “Only if I point the stick at you may you speak.”
    â€œThou art dawdling, Kerwyn,” Wat said. “Shove off with thy foolish stick.”
    â€œExactly,” Daniel muttered.
    Kerwyn took a deep breath. He pointed his stick at the figure in green. “Peter, also known as Puck?”
    â€œNot present.”
    â€œDon’t be foolish. How can you be not present?”
    â€œI’m tired of this Peter Pan or Puck, or whoever it is I’m supposed to be. You know I only agreed to wear these stupid tights so that we could get the little fairy over here.”
    Daniel was glad that none of his missions had required him to wear any dopey disguise. For instance, he would have hated having to wear that bunny suit to bring in animal lover Maxine. But Jack Rabbit didn’t seem to mind. He had the outfit on when Daniel had first seen him, and had never taken it off that Daniel knew of.
    If it was me , Daniel thought, I’d be out of that blooming bunny gear right quick . Though, he did admit, lots of the kids coming over found dress-up outfits and stayed in them. Some days Free Country looked to Daniel like one big fancy dress ball.
    â€œSince we’ve had to send the fairy back,” Peter Pan continued, “I think I ought to be allowed out of this ridiculous getup. And I want to go back to my real name, Katherine.” She stood up and glared at Kerwyn. “Got it?”
    Kerwyn winced. “You’re really meant to make your report after roll call, not before. Once the meeting’s over you can make a proper request to change back into being a girl.”
    Junkin Buckley laughed. “As for me, I’m hoping she goes back to being a girl right immediate, and begins by taking off her boy clothesright now.” He sidled up to Katherine.
    Katherine brought her fist up to Junkin’s chin. “Just what do you mean by that, creep?”
    Junkin held up his hands. “Hey, I be on your side.”
    â€œToad licker,” Kate snarled.
    â€œKate, Kate, I can’t wait. You’re the catch and I’m the bait.” Junkin Buckley circled Katherine, chanting, “I see London, I see France, I see someone’s underpants.”
    Daniel prepared himself for a serious row. In fact, everyone must have had the same idea. They all leaped up from the table, worried that this might come to actual blows. Everyone started talking at once.
    This is unusual, too , Daniel realized. He’d never seen an actual fistfight in Free Country. Squabbles, sure. But no violence. It was as if the very air wouldn’t allow it, normally. Something had changed. Free Country wasn’t doing her bit to keep those two from fighting.
    What did prevent Kate and Junkin from fighting was the total chaos of the meeting. As everyone started shouting, Junkin stopped taunting Katherine . He probably figured she couldn’t hear him over the din , Daniel thought.
    Junkin circled the table, then sat at the end opposite Kerwyn.
    â€œAll right. Where’s my stick gone?” Kerwyn shouted. “Who took it?”
    â€œDon’t you dare accuse me!” Griselda shrieked.
    â€œWhy would anyone bother to take that stupid stick?” Katherine said.
    â€œPeace, all of you,” said Wat. “End this strife.”
    â€œI tell you, someone’s stolen my talking stick!”
    â€œKerwyn, this is becoming tiresome,” Wat warned.
    â€œBut somebody’s—”
    Wat lost his patience—something else Daniel had never seen before. “Free Country dies whilst you argue your petty rules of order. Now hold your tongue and let Peter, who is also Katherine, speak.”
    Kate crossed her arms over her green tunic. “Well, basically the fairy couldn’t adapt. Sort of like if we tried to live on the moon. She was getting sicker the longer she stayed here. But we managed to grab some of her power before we sent her

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