The Convenience of Lies

The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Page B

Book: The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Castillo
Shane's bed. “Mackenzie, have you ever played a guitar before?”
    “No, I haven't.”
    “Wouldn't it be awesome to see Mackenzie playing the guitar?!” Cody snickers this question to Shane.
    Shane agrees, “That would be awesome! Give the guitar to Mackenzie!”
    As Cody starts unraveling himself from the guitar to give it to me, I comment, “No really, it's fine. I don't want to.” I feel genuinely adverse to the idea of trying to play a guitar because there's no way I could learn in this kind of setting. I would rather try it at home with a proper teacher.
    “But it would be awesome!” Cody insists.
    Shane contributes, “Yeah! Do it Mackenzie!”
    Despite my objections, pretty soon I find myself with a guitar in my lap. Cody hands me a pick. “Hold this in your right hand, and with your left hand put one finger here,” he grabs my hand and starts to place my fingers where he wants them on the guitar, his body close to mine. I can't help but think that Cody is just making an excuse to touch me. “Now, strum with the pick.”
    I pass the pick over the strings, and it sounds terrible. “You need to press the strings harder with your left hand!” Shane contributes. I push harder on the strings and try again. The sound is much better, but dang! That hurts my fingers. I can't imagine trying this again. I think it's unfathomable that anybody would be able to play a whole song through the pain.
    The boys don't notice my discomfort and start whooping and laughing. “That was awesome!” I'm glad they're entertained, at least?
    “We need to take a picture of Mackenzie with that guitar!” Cody declares. He whips a camera out of nowhere, and starts framing his shot.
    “Here, wear this cowboy hat!” Shane says, as he drops a hat that is really too big for me on my head. It is threatening to cover up my eyebrows. I'm feeling rather ridiculous; this look is totally not me. But, the two of them are getting so much enjoyment out of this and are so enthusiastic, I decide to just go along with it. I smile for the picture as Cody snaps away. The boys express their delight with each click of the camera, and I have to admit, I am enjoying the attention. I glance at the television and notice that the couple has moved from talking to each other to making out on the sofa in the living room. I am cool with watching people make-out, but even so, I adjust how I'm sitting so that the TV is not in my field of view. As I do this, I find myself wondering how far this porno will go.
    After he's done taking pictures, Cody sits down right next to me. Our legs are touching. “Can I have one of your Cheeze-Its, Mackenzie?” Cody inquires of me. After the boys have forced me to watch porn, play the guitar, and dressed me up in this get-up to take pictures of me, I am not feeling too inclined to do them favors… regardless of how much I enjoy the attention.
    “No, these Cheeze-Its are mine,” I say, protectively drawing the bag in closer to my body. As I do so, I hear moaning start to come out of the television from the porn. I carefully keep my eyes averted from the screen.
    “Oh, come on Mackenzie. Give Cody a Cheeze-It,” Shane insists. I wish that guys would understand that “no” means “no.” Grr.
    “You guys made me play the guitar and wear a cowboy hat. I don't think so.”
    “Don't tell me you didn't like that, because we know you did.” Cody has just called me out, though the truth is that I have mixed feelings. I don't love what they were doing to me, but I relished in their attention.
    Shane saves me from having to answer, “Cody, wouldn't it be funny if you ate one out from between her toes!?”
    “I don't know about that,” I interject. Perhaps they will listen to me this time? Cody eating a Cheeze-It from between my toes sounds really unsanitary, and I'm not sure if I want him to. I don't want to give him any ideas about how I feel for him, and I don't particularly want his spit all over my feet.

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