The Deception

The Deception by Marina Martindale Page B

Book: The Deception by Marina Martindale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Martindale
surprised to see him.
    "Well hello, Scott." Her voice sounded somewhat tentative. "I guess it's been awhile. How have you been?"
    "I've been well, Carrie. How 'bout you?"
    "The same."
    There was an awkward moment of silence before Scott spoke up.
    "I know it probably appears to you like I've fallen off the face of the earth, but there was a reason for it. Shortly after our last date my old girlfriend contacted me. I hadn't heard from her in a long, long time."
    "Yeah, I figured you had another girlfriend, but it's okay. There were never any strings attached."
    "Thank you for understanding. However, Nancy was more than just another girlfriend. She's the love of my life. Unfortunately, at the time I first met her, she was married to someone else. She didn't think the time was right to leave her husband, so she ended it. Then one day out of the blue, she called me at work. She said she'd moved to Kansas City and she's now happily divorced. I'm on my way there right now. I just wanted to stop by to tell you goodbye."
    "Thanks, Scott, I appreciate it. You came into my life at a time when my self-esteem desperately needed a boost, and now I'm back on track. I never expected anything more from you than what it was, and I'm genuinely happy for you. Take care and good luck."
    "You too." He extended his hand; giving hers a final squeeze. "Goodbye, Carrie. Like I said to you before, you're an amazing woman. Some guy will be very, very lucky to have you."
    Scott left the building. Both were happy, and relieved, that it had ended amicably.

    E ven though Carrie had lived in Phoenix for most of her life, she never quite got used to the intense, stifling heat of the Valley summers. Even at ten o'clock at night it was likely to be over one hundred degrees outside. Steve and Allison, however, seemed to take it in stride. This year they were hosting a Fourth of July dinner party at their home, with most of the festivities taking place in, and around, their backyard swimming pool.
    "To you, from Allie," said Carrie as she presented Steve with a platter of hamburger patties and hot dogs. He thanked her and loaded them onto the grill. On her way back to the kitchen, she overheard a bit of a conversation between two of Steve's coworkers.
    "Too bad Alex couldn't make it tonight."
    "Yeah. He's a lot smarter than the rest of us. He's spending the holiday on some beach in San Diego."
    Alex. Just hearing the name brought back memories of her long-lost other best friend. Over the years Carrie had deeply regretted losing touch with Alex. She often wondered whatever became of him. No doubt he was probably married by now, and he had a family as well. Wherever he was, she hoped he was happy. She wandered back into the kitchen.
    "Penny for your thoughts," said Allison.
    "You look like you're a million miles away, girlfriend."
    "Oh, sorry." Carrie set the empty platter into the sink. "I just overheard a couple of the guys from Steve's office talking about someone named Alex. It got me to wondering whatever became of our Alex."
    "Alex Montoya?"
    Carried nodded.
    "Good question. I have no idea. I've wondered about him from time to time myself, although he was more your friend than mine. But he spoke Castillian Spanish..."
    "What's that?"
    "His dialect," replied Allison. "Don't you remember? His father's family came over from Spain, so they spoke a different kind of Spanish. It would be like you talking to an Englishman."
    "You're right, Allie. There's nothing sexier than a guy who speaks with a foreign accent, so admit it. You did have a crush on Alex."
    "No, I did not," said Allison with a smile. "I just said I liked his accent."
    "Sure you did."
    After a good laugh Allison decided to change the subject.
    "You know, I really don't know a lot of Steve's coworkers either, and I certainly don't recall ever meeting one named Alex. Since we work in different parts of town, I'm rarely near his office during business hours, and this is the first

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