The Deepest Red

The Deepest Red by Miriam Bell

Book: The Deepest Red by Miriam Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miriam Bell
distance, the wind blowing his white hair slightly. I snap out of the haunting memory, picturing the beautiful leopard again. I quiet my footsteps imagining I’m the sleek predator and glare into the back of Connor’s head.
    “Alright,” Connor draws out as he turns around to face me.
    His voice is highly annoyed.
    “I can’t take it anymore.”
    I come to a halt in an instance, my eyes wide with surprise.
    “What?” I say innocently as my new leopard confidence fades with the stare of his eyes.
    “Don’t what me. You’re walking in front of me from now on,” he barks, “Go.”
    Stepping side ways he motions for me to pass around him. My eyes narrow at his stance.
    “I don’t understand what your deal is,” I state, folding my arms in front of my chest.
    “My deal is I can’t hear you behind me which messes up my concentration.”
    Connor stares waiting for my compliance.
    “And?” I say, egging him on.
    “And I need to be alert, not wondering if you’re still behind me or snuck off somewhere.”
    “If I wanted to, I’d be gone. So relax,” I reply, watching his eyes squint.
    Clover, having stopped walking after the first words of our exchange, gives an exaggerated sigh.
    “Fine.” Connor pauses irritated. “Just get in front of me. I feel as if I’m being stalked.”
    He motions again for me to move.
    At his words, an unexpected laugh escapes my mouth. Connor’s eyes grow large at the sound as I attempt to gain control. It’s the first real laugh I’ve been capable of since Tessa made faces at me while Mrs. Emerson was trying to lecture on the importance of rolling. The lesson had been weeks before I headed out on this horrible trip. The memory warms me from the inside out and I realize just how much I miss my little friend. Connor peers at me as if I’ve grown two heads.
    “What now?” I question in an amused voice with a hint of surprise.
    To be able to laugh in such a dark time, something must be truly wrong with me. He shakes his head as if to clear it.
    “Nothing,” he mumbles.
    “Come on, Millie, just do what he says or we’ll be here all day.” Clover’s voice rings out. “The treehouse is only about a half a mile away and I’m hungry.”
    She spins impatient and continues hiking toward our destination. Deciding on defeat with a shrug, I begin to progress toward Connor, a smile still lingering on my face. He stands motionless watching me as I maneuver past him, my shoulder purposely hitting into his. By accident my fingers touch his rough hand. The quick harmless touch is something you wouldn’t see unless watching for it but nevertheless a unwanted thrill courses through my body, making my blood race as butterflies terrorize my stomach.
    I decide if I keep my head down he won’t be able to glimpse my face. My hat does a substantial job at hiding me from the outside world, but the temptation is too great. I venture to lift my head and glance into his striking eyes. For some reason, I wish to rebel, to challenge and to do anything to make myself forget how much danger and pain I’m in.
    When our eyes meet, I’m rewarded with a soft, deep growl. His eyes flare and pierce me with their steely gaze. I’m frozen in place by the lust I see reflected back. Loneliness, desire, acceptance and longing, all these emotions we share and battle with, tangle together. The realization that whatever is wrong with me might be wrong with him, eases my anxiety. Connor has somehow sparked something inside that I didn’t know existed. Warmth roams up my legs and spreads throughout my skin. Oh God,  is my whole body blushing? I recognize the sensation but can’t break with his eye contact. The mutineer in me doesn’t want to cower away from whatever this is between us. He’ll be aware of my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. The idea thaws my limbs into motion.
    I dare to take a step while transfixed on his face. I stumble upon an unearth branch, blocking my path. For all of the

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