The Deepest Red

The Deepest Red by Miriam Bell Page B

Book: The Deepest Red by Miriam Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miriam Bell
He’s probably wondering how this little creature got the drop on him. As if reading my thoughts Connor’s deep voice reaches my ears.
    “I bet he has been sitting there watching us as we walked passed.”
    Tightening his arm’s grip, he glances back for my response. I ease out of his arms, regretting the loss of his warmth. An expression that I don’t recognize passes over Connor’s face but he lets me go without comment.
    “I don’t see a mother anywhere. What do you think happened to her?” I ask and begin to walk slowly toward the furry pup. “Hey there, sweetie. You want to come to me?”
    I hear Connor shift behind me.
    “Does he have foam around his mouth?”
    I focus on his cute little face.
    “No, he seems healthy. He’s so fluffy, I can’t tell if he is skinny or not. Bet he’s hungry.”
    I carefully reach around to my supply bag and pull out a piece of dried jerky.
    The puppy watches me cautiously, his head bowed. I marvel at his beautiful blue eye and the other’s deep brown.
    “Be ready. If he runs I want to catch him,” I say as the dog takes in every movement I make-waiting to discover how I respond to him.
    Once I break the jerky into smaller pieces, I smile as his nose sniffs the air. He looks to be a cross between a golden retriever and an austrian sheppard. My heart leaps at the thought of keeping him.
    His cute little button nose leans further forward, sniffing the air violently. The weight of his front body on the small hill causes him to tilt forward. In a flash of feet and fur, the small puppy tumbles down the incline landing with a thump on my feet. Before, I can help myself, I bend down scooping him up in my arms. He’s dazed from the fall but becomes alert when I place the dried jerky to his mouth.
    His downy fur gives way, and I feel his fragile body underneath. He seems thin but not unhealthy. His nose continues to sniff my muddy hand as he nips the pieces of jerky from my fingers. His tail pops the side of my waist repeatedly. I giggle at his excitement. I’d read that dogs wag their tails when happy, seeing this precious beast do so only endears him to me more.
    “Well, looks like we’ve a new member to our group,” Connor says as he walks up beside me. He lifts his hand and rubs the soft fur of the puppy’s head. “Been awhile since I’ve seen any wild dogs. They usually stay away unless they smell food.”
    Connor steps away searching the surrounding woods.
    “Never seen one this young without a mother. Something must have happened to her,” he muses. After checking the area a slight smile appears on Connor’s lips. “Cute little thing.”
    I smile back up at Connor as I cuddle the puppy against my neck. It squirms a little in my arms.
    “I always wanted a dog. I read so much about them back home,” I say.
    Connor lifts his hand to pet the puppy again but quickly lets his fingers drop.
    “You shouldn’t keep him. He’s a responsibility you don’t need right now, He’ll only slow you down, and if an infected attacks…” his voice trails off as he looks down onto my pouting face. I watch as his sad smile forms. “Okay, I’ve got a feeling I couldn’t stop you from keeping the thing anyway.” His voice is low but gentle. “Let’s go. Clover is probably far ahead and we need to catch up.” He glances over my shoulder. “I want to set up the campsite before evening so we can hunt and get cleaned up in the daylight.”
    Connor places his hand on my lower back, guiding me in front of him. The touch sends a tickle of heat racing up my spine. Ignoring it, I position the puppy in my arms and continue to feed him jerky as we hurry to catch up to Clover. Her path is easy to find. A pine cone sits at attention every other tree. I roll my eyes at the sarcastic implication as snickering resonates from behind me. I set myself at a light jog, cradling my new fluffy friend. He whines a little at first but then settles in for the ride.

“I might name him jerky,”

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