The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
killing me, all right? I can't lose my dad's garage.
I need that money."
    "So, you've already signed the papers?"
    Could she feel any more miserable? Heaving a
sigh, Jessie nodded. "Everything's in place. One phone call, and
it's a done deal. I don't want to make that call, but I can't see
my way out of this money mess without leasing those mineral
    "Have you told my mother?"
    "No, not yet. I'll give her fair warning and
tell her before it actually goes into effect. Please don't tell
Ruth or Dallas any of this. I want to tell them myself. Who knows?
Maybe something will turn up, and I won't have to make that phone
    "That's not likely, though."
    Her stomach cratered. "No. I've pretty well
used up all my resources."
    Cameron continued eating, his eyes focused
on her.
    What was he thinking? Was he angry with her?
All of the McCades, even Cameron, loved the Diamondback Ranch. It
was in their blood. Just like Kincaid's Garage was in hers.
    Jessie pushed her plate away.
    "Not hungry?" Cameron asked.
    She shook her head.
    "How about the cake?"
    "No, thanks. But you go ahead."
    "We'll save it for later. Let's clean up
here, and then you can show me the clinic."
    "You still want to see it?"
    He gathered the paper plates and food,
throwing everything into the basket. "Yeah, why not?"
    "I thought . . . never mind."
    Jessie screwed the top onto the thermos and
handed it to him. The fleeting touch of his fingers reignited the
undeniable awareness between them. She quickly relinquished her
    Cameron stood, picked up the basket and
waited for her. With a heavy heart, Jessie rose from the table.
Damn, she hated having to break her promise to Ruth. It made her
sick thinking about it.
    She shook away the morose thoughts and
looked up. Cameron stood very close and the look in his eyes made
her breath hitch in her lungs. He touched her cheek gently, tracing
her jaw line.
    All of a sudden, he froze and dropped his
hand, then cleared his throat. "I know you have to do whatever it
takes to save your father's garage. Don't worry about Dallas and
Mom. They'll eventually come around. Things will work out. They
always do, one way or another."
    Jessie swallowed back the tears threatening
to spill. "Thanks, Cameron."
    He grabbed his Stetson and jammed it on his
head. "Hey, what are old friends for? Now, let's go see this clinic
of yours."

Chapter Five

    Cameron followed Jessie into the new metal
building across the street from the high school. The sign out front
read Salt Fork Medical Center. As soon as he stepped foot
inside the door, he had a strange feeling of this is it .
Calmness settled over him, the likes of which he'd never
experienced in his entire life.
    Maybe he'd wake up and find himself in his
bed in Houston, all of this just a pleasant dream.
    "Well, what do you think?" Jessie stood near
the reception window, a nervous look in her eye. "I tried to choose
colors that were restful and reassuring. When people come in sick
and feeling out of sorts, I thought the soft green and cream colors
would comfort them."
    Cameron nodded. Maybe that was it. Maybe it
was the color scheme making him feel calm and relaxed. "Works for
    Jessie let out a huge breath and smiled. "I
know the chairs aren't fancy and the pine tables are plain, but I
did the best I could with the available funds."
    "It's perfect, Jess. The waiting room is
functional as well as inviting. Not your typical clinic at all. I
like it."
    When she smiled again, his chest
constricted. He wanted to kiss her again. He wanted her,
    "Good," she said. "Wait till you see the
medical equipment. No corners cut in that department, I assure
    Cameron didn't expect much, but when he saw
the X-ray machine, the MRI and the ultrasound units, he was duly
impressed. "Nice. You have a great set-up here: State-of-the-art
medical technology right at the doctor's fingertips. You do this
all yourself?"
    "Mostly. I visited several clinics in
Abilene and Lubbock to

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