The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
worry, I have the room
    I try to stay focused, but his assault
is too much. I come hard and loud, and mumble as I slide into
sleep. Draken wakes me in no time, and starts all over again. We go
all night, and by the time he finally releases, I’m used to him
being inside. What have I got myself into with this man?
    “Sleep, Cess, you will need your rest
for next time,” Draken says, pulling me into his warm body. I
notice he’s not sweating, just me. I must feel like I just stepped
out of a sauna to him. It doesn’t seem to bother him. I’m too tired
to go home, I fall asleep in his arms, smiling.
    I feel so sore everywhere. I’m
yearning, everything starts rushing back to me. I’m at Draken’s
house. I danced, ate- yikes, I slept with him! Well, not really
slept. I’m in his bed, naked. I inhale deeply and can smell sex,
Draken, and a beautiful smell coming from the bathroom. That’s when
I notice him humming in the shower. Oh, I spent the night. It’s
morning. Hurrying out of the bed I look for my clothes, thinking
they should be on the floor. Where are my clothes? The bathroom
door opens and he walks out. We stare at each other for a long time
without speaking. He is wrapped in a towel that is almost like a
beautiful wrap. He has it tied around his waist, and it is trimmed
in gold. His taste is very elegant. Purple must be his favorite
color. He continues staring. Feeling self-conscious about last
night, I lower my head.
    “Do you know where my clothes are?” I
ask, softly. I shouldn’t have done this, I move a little and my
body reacts with a shot of pain. This staring at me has to stop, I
feel myself getting warm inside for this man. I need a hot bath and
my own home.
    “I folded your clothes and placed them
on my dresser. I had Showken get you some fresh clothes from your
home. I know you would like a bath, right?” Draken asks. He looks
amazing. I didn’t even get to do anything during sex but scream and
moan. I should have been more active, maybe next time. Oh wait, not
going to be a next time, remember, one night stand. How did he get
me new clothes? Where do my parents think I am? I’m grown up, but
not when it comes to Dad. My dad is not understanding about me
staying out all night. I feel my face go from calm to the horror of
my dad knowing I’m in bed with the neighbor; this is not a good
    “Cess, remain calm,” Draken says,
coming to sit on the bed next to me, “I would never shame you, so
relax. Showken got you some clothes without being seen, don’t ask
how, and your family thinks you decided to visit Kelly for the
night.” Oh, he smells so good. What did he say again? I spent the
night with Kelly, Showken broke into my house . . . These are some
crazy brothers. He is examining me, like he is scanning for bruises
or marks.
    “Umm, Draken,” I say, looking down,
“last night was, it was amazing, but I can’t do this, this thing
that you want. I will get my clothes and go home. Thank you, for
covering for me so my dad won’t freak out. I mean, I turn 21 in a
couple of months, I hope you understand.” I can’t meet his face,
but as I’m talking, I hear a low growl, and I assume he is angry.
The room starts closing in, and for the first time since I’ve been
in his presence, I feel fear. What have I gotten myself into? He
could be a killer. He takes a couple of deep breaths and relaxes. I
hope he is not angry. What the hell was I thinking? I should have
said something when I was home and safe.
    Draken responds, “Cess, I will run
your bath water for you, your fresh clothes are already in the
bathroom. I have all the things you use daily, body wash,
deodorant, lotion, hair products, perfume, even some jewelry that
you might like to wear, but make no mistake, last night was just
the beginning. I only understand that you feel good to me, making
me want more of you. I hated to shower, because I wanted your smell
on me all day. Please, do not wound me

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