The Dragon Stirs

The Dragon Stirs by Lynda Aicher Page B

Book: The Dragon Stirs by Lynda Aicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Aicher
chuckled. “I look forward to the challenge, but don’t think I’ll go down easy.”
    “I can only hope that you do.”
    A full, deep laugh burst from his chest and echoed through the chamber. With that, she was back on stable ground. Intuitively, he had known she needed the challenge to get her bearings and shake the vulnerability that had assaulted her. 
    The low rumble of a throat clearing reminded her that they were not alone. She stepped back, but Louk kept her pulled tightly, protectively, to his side. She was almost afraid to admit how good it felt to have him next to her. To have someone by her side. She had stood on her own for so long it was completely foreign to have a man that would give everything to defend her. Be with her. 
    For her.
    She looked to the Ancient, the one who had so completely changed her world, and asked the question that still plagued her, “How? How do I have wings and how did this,” she gestured to her and Louk, “happen so fast?”
    The man assessed her for a moment as if he were judging what to say. Finally, he smiled. “The wings are an anomaly that do not have an answer. I suspect you will understand when the time is needed. For now, be happy for where it has brought you. As for the other, the energy has a way of knowing when it finds something it needs. Of bringing together compatible sources even if the sources are oblivious to the why or how.”
    Cronus stepped forward. “Together, you will bind. Together, you are the first of the balance that will give us hope. It is not just you, Airiana, that we honor. But, it is also you, Loukianos, the one who saw what was underneath and had the courage and wisdom to hold tight to the treasure.”
    The Ancient turned so he stood beside them and addressed the entire group. “The battle has begun. The year of the dragon is on the horizon and at its end looms the Apocalypse, a lifting of the veil that has kept our worlds hidden from the humans. For Gog will not care who sees our power. He will not care who he harms or what he destroys. The dragon is stirring. His long years of entrapment are at an end. The balance is shifting with the ever-rising tide of strife, war, death and pestilence. The negative energy is prevailing, and the bars on his cage are weakening. All we can do now is prepare.”
    Louk tensed, his arm tightening around her shoulders. “How does that involve us?” 
    “You are the first in the balance that will give us a chance. It is the power of The Two that woke the dragon. But it is the same power that will save us from the dragon. A veritable catch-22, but the first step in a game that must be played.”
    “More of the cryptic talk,” Louk said, frustration edging his voice. “Whatever happened to simply saying what you mean?”
    Cronus tilted his head then humor lit his face as a mysterious half grin appeared. “You want straight talk then?” 
    “Okay. You need to consummate your relationship in order to save the world. That’s about as polite as I can put it.” Laughter sparked in the Elder’s eyes. “Do I need to put it more crudely or do you get my point?”
    Airiana felt the heat as it rushed up her neck and over her cheeks, but she didn’t look down. Refused to look away from the eyes that stared at them with speculation. 
    “Again with the wham bam thank you ma’am.” Louk snorted and shook his head. “Is that all you Ancients think about?” 
    Cronus raised a brow and laughed. “So the other said the same, and you didn’t take advantage of it? That is truly your loss, Louk.” Mischief danced in the Elder’s eyes. “Let’s hope you don’t mess up a second time.”
    Airiana sniffed and stiffened her back. “I think that’s enough talk about…” she struggled for a word, “…us.” She blew out a breath. Talk about getting too personal. “Is there anything else we need to know?”
    “Of course,” Cronus said. “But, now is not the time.”
    Cronus raised a hand to

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