The Fight for Us
log since he’d moved to Bristol a few months prior. It was one of his favorite places on the island. The fact she was sitting beside him in his favorite place was a bit of a rush.
    “You didn’t answer the question about returning to Chicago.”
    He was learning there was very little she wasn’t willing to say. If it was in her mind, it was likely coming out of her mouth. He glanced at her and couldn’t help but smile. He liked how little control she seemed to have over her mouth.
    “I’m not returning to Chicago or the bureau. When I resigned, it was permanent and it was very intentional.”
    “Why did you?”
    He stared at the rocks in front of them for a moment, debating to what depth he wanted to let her see his old life. When he looked at her again, she was waiting patiently for his response. “I don’t want anything standing in the way of my being a good parent to Natalie. My job did before, and I’m not willing to let that happen again.” He snatched a smooth rock from between his feet and ran the pad of his thumb over the cool unblemished surface. “I’ll work again when I’m ready.”
    She seemed pacified for the moment, though there was little chance she’d be satiated for long. She was an information junky. She just liked to know things. He was familiar with the personality type; in fact, it was oddly similar to Natalie’s.
    “I want to look at houses again.” He peered at her with a grimace on his face. He’d fucked that up once already, and she’d made it very clear she didn’t intend to be his realtor.
    “Well, Randall—”
    “Is not going to be getting another of your commissions.” He watched her for a moment, and she harrumphed in response. “I’m sorry about how things ended that day. But I’d rather you have the commission than fucking Randall any day.”
    She smiled shyly. “Okay then. You’ve seen five homes, so there’s really only a few more to see.”
    He started shaking his head, and she cocked her head to the side in curiosity.
    “I was a bit distracted last time.” He studied her eyes, but he was smirking.
    “So, you want to see one of the other ones again?”
    “Try all of them.”
    “All of them?” Her eyes were wide, and she shook her head for a moment in the most adorable overstated expression of dumfoundedness.
    “Now you’re catching on.” He smiled at her as he watched the crease between her brows become more pronounced by the second.
    “All because you weren’t paying very good attention last time?” She was starting to mock him.
    “Let me paint you a picture.” He swung his leg closest to her over the log, straddling it so he could face her.
    She pulled her knee that was closest to him up and faced him as well. Her expression was all sarcasm as she waited for him to continue.
    “So, the first house, I actually think I might like. But I’m struggling to remember much of anything except how nice that light gray skirt you were wearing looked up against the dark granite counter in the kitchen.” He could tell his nostrils were flaring as he watched her
    Her lips had parted as a huff of breath escaped her. It turned him on so much he stared at her lips for a good five seconds straight before he could manage to look at her eyes again. When he did, that radiant blue shined back at him.
    “The second, third, and fourth houses were a blur for a different reason, and I’m pretty sure I was arguing with both you and myself in my head the entire time.” He shook his head, not entirely sure why he was divulging so much, but she was laughing as she watched him. “Fifth house…well, the fifth house was all about your boobs and trying not to kiss you. Or argue with you for that matter. I can say conclusively that there was a staircase—only because you came flying off it toward me.”
    She studied him for a moment. “And what makes you think this time will be any better?”
    “I’m committed to behaving myself—on both fronts. I promise I won’t

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