The Forest Ranger's Promise

The Forest Ranger's Promise by Leigh Bale

Book: The Forest Ranger's Promise by Leigh Bale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Bale
Tags: Itzy,
when I tell you that we’ll always have plenty of food to eat in our house?”
    â€œYou promise?”
    â€œI promise.”
    She gave a hesitant nod. He was conscious of Anne standing in the doorway to the kitchen, her arms folded as she listened intently.
    More than anything, he wanted his child to believe in him. And it occurred to him then that he wasn’t just fighting for the confidence of the local ranchers. He was also fighting for the trust of his daughter.
    No matter what happened from this point on, he resolved to be strong for both of them. “And will you trust me if I tell you that everything’s gonna be okay and I won’t let anything bad happen to us?”
    Another nod and tremulous smile. “Yes, Daddy. I trust you.”
    So maybe that rotten sign at the grocery store had been worth it, just to bring out Shelley’s loyalty and trust. “Okay, then. Why don’t you wait for me by the truck and I’ll be right out after I’ve had a moment to talk to Melanie.”
    Wiping her eyes, Shelley smiled and trotted outside with Anne. Scott watched the girls go, seriously contemplating his options. He fought off the temptation to drive directly to the Sheriff’s Office and demand that the single law enforcement officer in this region put a stop to this nonsense. But what good would filing a complaint do? Obviously, the Donaldsons wanted a fight and he wasn’t about to give it to them.
    â€œYou saw the sign?” he asked Melanie.
    â€œYes, it was there.”
    He stood up to go, mentally making a list of the cans and boxes of food in his pantry at home. “I think we can make it until Saturday and then I’ll have to make a trip into Evanston.”
    â€œAnd?” Melanie said.
    â€œAnd what?”
    â€œYou’re not going to do anything about it?”
    â€œLike what?”
    â€œIt’s illegal, Scott. They can’t do this.”
    â€œI know, but a big fight is the last thing I need right now. I’ll have to shop in Evanston for the time being. But if I show up on your doorstep asking for a cup of sugar or a glass of milk, you’ll understand why.”
    â€œYou can’t drive into Evanston every time you need a cube of butter.”
    He shrugged. “We’ll have to do without a few things now and then, but we’ll get by. I’ve faced worse situations in my life.” Including times when his father had drunk up all the money so they couldn’t buy groceries at all. He’d helped his mother grow large gardens, shucking corn and shelling peas, which she canned and put in the pantry. He’d learned to hide a few dollars when he had it, so they could buy milk. He couldn’t remember a time when he didn’t have a part-time job after school to help support the family.
    â€œAnd what about other times?” Melanie asked.
    â€œWhat do you mean?”
    She stepped closer and looked up at him, her intense gaze holding him captive. He caught her scent, a combination of baked bread and fruity shampoo. He couldn’t decide which he liked best.
    â€œWhat about when Shelley starts school in the fall? Are you prepared for the other children to tease her and the teachers to treat her a bit roughly?”
    He clenched his hands. “Anyone who treats my little girl badly will have to answer to me.”
    And he meant it. He could handle whatever anyone threw at him, but he would never tolerate anyone picking on Shelley simply because of his job.
    â€œDo you have a problem watching her?” he asked.
    She must have caught the brusque anger in his voice, because she visibly flinched. He didn’t mean to frighten her, but right now he was furious. If she wanted to back out on their deal, he needed to know. Could he trust her to treat Shelley with kindness? Just how deep did her resentment toward Ben Stimpson go?
    â€œOf course not, Scott,” she reassured him. “Before we drove into town,

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