The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42)

The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) by T.K. Harris Page A

Book: The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) by T.K. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.K. Harris
the phone and had to force down the little kid brother's immediate response of satisfaction.  He was more mature than that.   Most of the time .
    "I said that they apparently haven't leased out the room yet and that you can have access to it, but you have to go through their security office and someone there will take you."
    "Not a problem."
    "For the umpteenth time, what are you hoping to find?"
    "Let's just say I need time to 'meditate' and see if I can put myself in Tommy's shoes.  I don't care what you tell them, but I need at least fifteen minutes."
    Alex could have pulled his own strings to get access to Tommy’s room but that might have raised flags he wasn’t ready to raise yet.  If the FBI did tag Tommy and take his computer, they may not have noticed something that wasn't exactly standard in a dorm room.  Especially if it had been hidden. 
    "Have the police said anything else about Ben's story?"
    Alex could hear his brother's frustration.  He still couldn’t believe the police were hesitant to make the connection.  "What about your PI?"
    "He hasn’t found anything either, although he’s going to talk to the Bevel family soon.  He still seems skeptical though."
    "Ya, but you're paying him."
    "True.  We'll see.  Whatever you're up to, Alex, I hope it works.  We need to find Tommy."
    The sound of despair in Ken's voice shot straight through Alex.  He missed his nephew a great deal but it couldn’t possibly compare to what it must be like for his father.
    "I'll do everything I can, bro."
    He hung up just as he was pulling into the campus parking lot.  Locating the main administrative building he headed to the security office, only to be greeted by one of the college faculty members who said she would be escorting him instead.
    Not wanting to draw undue attention, he asked no questions as he followed her across campus to one of the brown, two-story dorm buildings and up the stairs to the second floor.  When she stopped in front of one of the doors and opened it, he thanked her and asked if he could have a few minutes alone in Tommy’s room.  He schooled his expression into that of a concerned relative as he explained he was hoping that by putting himself in the last place Tommy may have been, he might be able to figure out where he had gone.  He wasn’t sure if she bought his story, but she nodded, giving him a few words of sympathy and then stepped back to let him in.
    He waited a moment, taking a quick look around as he listened to her receding footsteps, before heading to a set of built in wall shelves and a small hidden compartment he had helped Tommy build.  He smiled when he removed the cover and found exactly what he was looking for. 
    Turning on his phone's wireless option he quickly located the special wireless access point he had acquired for Tommy.  Once connected, he scanned the router.  What he found brought another smile to his face.  "Good job, kid," he said as he began downloading the logs created by a customized program he had also given Tommy.  
    The program gave Tommy the ability to accurately log all incoming and outgoing traffic in order to help him on a research paper for one of his forensics/tracing classes.  The software was something Alex's group had designed and wasn't publicly available.  And it would tell him exactly where Tommy had been online the days before he disappeared. 
    Once he had completed his download, Alex turned off his phone's wireless, covered the router back up and left.  Nodding at the woman who had let him in, he turned and headed to his car, forwarding the download to his friend and colleague, Jason, along with a cryptic note.
    Which one of these doesn't belong?
    Agent Stone watched Alex exit the building before pulling out her cell and placing a call to her supervisor, Special Agent Wilson.
    "Someone just came by.  Knew exactly where the router was

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