The Heart's Companion

The Heart's Companion by Holly Newman Page A

Book: The Heart's Companion by Holly Newman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Newman
Tags: Romance
smile to her lips, but it was a smile that failed to reach and warm her icy green eyes. "Will you forgive me? I shall strive to be better. I promise."
    Jane saw the worry in her aunt’s eyes and was touched; but she did not feel she could confide the extent of her misgivings surrounding the upcoming visit. She hoped she was wrong, but she suspected that neither Lady Serena Tipton nor Sir Garth Helmsdon intended to act in a totally honorable fashion. She felt like a warrior girding up for battle, checking her defenses, setting strategy, and readying her ammunition. The problem was, she really had no ammunition with which to fight save for the Earl of Royce. And he was at best a keg of dynamite as likely to destroy her as her enemy.
    What could he want now? she mused as she tore at the strings of the large white apron that covered her gown. She flung it over her head, tossing it in a hallway chair by a tall pier glass in which she stopped to check her appearance. She patted a stray raven lock back into place, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. The trick to dealing with men like the earl, she told herself, was to be impeccably polite. Such behavior drove them crazy.
    She closed her eyes a moment to will a relaxed, calm state in which to greet the earl. Behind her Lady Elsbeth began making slight noises indicating her growing sense of unease. Jane opened her eyes and flashed Lady Elsbeth a smile before taking her arm in hers.
    "I’ll not deny the man makes me nervous. Look at me, preening like some fresh debutante! It is simply not to be borne!"
    Lady Elsbeth relaxed and smiled in turn. "No, but I’ll own I feel it healthy for you to be thrown off stride a bit. One can become too complacent."
    "With Aunt Serena and Sir Helmsdon arriving, complacent is the last thing I could possibly be!" she said, laughing, her eyes warming at last.
    "Miss Grantley, it is welcome to see you recovered from your unfortunate accident," drawled the Earl of Royce from the open parlor doorway.
    Jane looked up, emotion draining from her features and leaving two bright spots of color in its wake. Royce was dressed in riding attire, his hat and crop tucked under one arm.
    "My Lord Royce," she murmured, dipping slightly while extending her hand. "You do me an unexpected honor." Her lashes descended over her eyes, masking the irritation reflected in those twin green pools of light. "Please come in and sit down. May we offer you anything in the way of refreshments?" She gracefully swept past him and sank onto one of the settees. She indicated an invitation to be seated with a brief wave of her hand.
    "No, thank you anyway. I do not intend to stay long. I only came by to determine if you or Bertram have lingering complications due to your unfortunate contretemps of yesterday." Taking up a position by the fireplace, he remained standing.
    "So kind of you." It rattled her that he stood, looming over them. He was so damned casual and at ease. He wasn’t even dressed properly for visiting!
    He laughed shortly. "You’re mistaken. I’m told I’m never kind. Merely curious, meddlesome and presumptuous. A respite from boredom," he drawled.
    One of Jane’s eyebrows lifted as she absorbed his enigmatic speech. She rose from her seat and moved about the room, restlessly pacing. An odd, tingling irritation prickled at her nerves. She must regain control. She mustn’t let this man affect her!
    "And in my meddlesome, presumptuous, and bored way," he continued, "I am curious as to what you decided regarding punishment for Bertram. "
    He shrugged. "I like the lad."
    Jane’s lips twitched, but she refused to give in to humor. "I must confess, not knowing what my sister and her husband would say, I let the matter drop."
    The earl laughed. "And so the Ice Witch melts."
    "Hardly, sir," she said repressively to cover confusion.
    "Lord Royce," interrupted Lady Elsbeth. She glanced askance at Jane then continued, her full attention upon the earl. "We are

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