The Incidental Spy

The Incidental Spy by Libby Fischer Hellmann

Book: The Incidental Spy by Libby Fischer Hellmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Libby Fischer Hellmann
    “What’s so important, Colonel?” She tried to keep the edge out of her voice, but she was still nervous.
    “I have a proposition for you.”
    Her eyebrows went up. If this was a confrontation, it was a strange way to begin. She sat up straighter.
    “I know you are seeing one of the physicists in the department.”
    She stiffened.
    “Irving Mandell. Don’t deny it. Several sources have confirmed it.”
    “Colonel,” Lena said in a cool voice. “You know how tongues wag and rumors begin. Usually they are greatly exaggerated. I lost my husband ten months ago. I am still in mourning.”
    “Are you saying it isn’t true, Mrs. Stern?”
    Lena couldn’t resist. “It is not. But even if it was, what business is it of yours?”
    “Mandell’s business is very much my business, Mrs. Stern. We believe,” he cleared his throat, “that he is spying for a foreign government.”
    Lena froze. Irving? A spy? She sagged against the chair. How had they come to that conclusion? Or was this a trap? Was Collins accusing Irving, hoping that Lena would defend him and blurt out the truth? She had to be careful.
    “That is impossible,” she finally said. “Irving is one of the most loyal, patriotic people I know.” She paused. “What makes you believe he isn’t?”
    “You know I can’t divulge that. It’s classified.”
    Of course it was, she thought. In some ways, with his visits after dark, his innuendo and interrogation techniques, this American was not so different from a Nazi. But what about the substance of his remarks? It’s the Pile, she decided. Someone knows they were there. But why would he single out Irving and not her too?
    “Mrs. Stern,” He took another long drink. “You can deny it all you want, but I know the two of you are seeing each other. I have photos of you together. At a restaurant just off campus.”
    Stunned, Lena sat up straight. “You’ve been following us? And you have photos?” Her voice rose an octave. She was unsure whether to be terrified or furious.
    Collins raised a finger to his lips. “You might want to lower your voice. Didn’t you say your son was sleeping?” His mouth curled into a tiny smile of triumph.
    Lena went mute. All she could do was glare.
    He pointed his finger. “You see, Mrs. Stern, you’re right about one thing. I don’t care about the nature of your relationship. If the two of you are fucking like rabbits, that’s your choice. What I do care about is the security of the Met Lab. And for that, I need your help.”
    Lena kept her mouth shut. She was afraid even to blink, for fear she would reveal something she shouldn’t.
    “In fact, I want you to keep your courtship going. See him as much as you can. Deepen your relationship.” He couldn’t resist a smile. “On one condition, of course. You will report back to me. Let me know everything he is doing. At work and at play. I need evidence.”
    “You want me to spy on my co-worker.”
    “Plural,” he said.
    “What are you talking about?”
    “Mandell is number one on my list. But there are others. I want you to be my eyes and ears when I’m not around. Anything you find that is top secret. Anything that will give us intel on our enemies.”
    Lena inclined her head. “Intel?”
    He nodded. “Is that going to be a problem?”
    Nausea climbed up Lena’s throat. Things had gone far enough. “I will not do it. Irving is the farthest thing from a spy. He would never betray his country. Or his colleagues. He is proud to be an American. So are the others in the department. I will not stoop to your level.”
    “I’m glad you brought up the term ‘American’ Mrs. Stern,” Collins said. “I have studied your background as well. I know you are a refugee from Germany. And a Jew.”
    There was just the slightest emphasis on the word “Jew.”
    “I am an American citizen. My husband worked at Met Lab. That is where we met.”
    “I am aware of that.” He waved a hand. “But in this environment,

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