The Iron Lance

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Book: The Iron Lance by Stephen R. Lawhead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen R. Lawhead
they were met by Jötunand Balder. The two wolfhounds bounded along the strand, barking eagerly and splashing everyone. Ranulf greeted them, cuffed them both affectionately around the ears, and sent them racing back toward the house to announce their master’s return.
    The very next day, the manor began preparations for the pilgrims’ departure. As the days went by, Murdo watched with increasing jealousy as his brothers and cousin assumed the manner of worldly-wise men who could not be bothered with the commonplace chores of the farm. They ordered the servingmen like they were kings delivering edicts of life-or-death import to uncomprehending slaves; they swaggered about like battlechiefs of vast renown, and remained aloof from all former labors. It was as if the impending pilgrimage had absolved them not only of sin, but of work, duty, and common decency, too. Murdo ground his teeth until his jaws ached, but kept his resentment to himself.
    Then, before the next full moon shone over Orkney’s smooth hills, the pilgrims were gone.

    â€œBasileus Alexius wishes me to express his gratitude for your efforts on behalf of the empire,” Dalassenus said, placing the gift chalice on the table beside the throne. “He sends me with this letter”—withdrawing the parchment square from the leather pouch at his belt, the young commander offered it to the cleric—“along with his regrets that he could not come to Rome to discuss his concerns in person. However, matters have arisen since I was last with you which prevent the emperor from leaving the capital at this time.”
    â€œBe assured I am only too aware of the burdens and difficulties besetting those in authority,” the pope replied, accepting the folded parchment and placing it in his lap. He sat back, placidly regarding the man before him; thick muscled and compact, his dark curly hair and large dark eyes gave him the strong, virile semblance of a young bull.
    â€œPlease tell our dear brother that I have caused prayers to be said in order that he may prevail in every way against the devil’s wiles. Tell him, too, that I hope for the day when he and I can sit down together and discuss our common affairs. Still, I am pleased to welcome his emissary. After our last meeting, I have often had cause to praise your sagacity and tact, drungarius. The emperor is fortunate indeed to have such an envoy.” He watched as the immaculate Dalassenus bowed with perfect courtesy—neither too shallow, which would be a slight, nor toodeep, which would be servile. “Agreeable though your presence undoubtedly is, I am intrigued to know why I am favored to receive your attentions so soon upon the heels of your last visit.”
    â€œYour Holiness flatters me,” Dalassenus answered smoothly. “Perhaps you will permit me to say that the basileus has sent his kinsman and servant so that you may know the high regard he has placed on your counsel, and the eagerness with which he awaits your reply.”
    Urban regarded the emperor’s letter, bound with ribands of gold and sealed in purple. Could it be that now, at long last, his adversary was accepting the peace he had labored so diligently to achieve? Healing the generations-old fracture had been one of the chief aims of his papal tenure and, if he understood Dalassenus correctly, that selfsame reconciliation was now delivered into his grasp.
    Dalassenus continued, “Also, the basileus would have it known that, after a lengthy investigation into the matter, it has at last come to light that the name of the Patriarch of Rome had been omitted from the diptych not by any canonical decision but, as it were, from carelessness. Rest assured this highly unfortunate oversight has been corrected.”
    The pope moved to secure the peace at once. “I rejoice to hear it,” Urban replied, smiling benignly at his guest. “Tonight we will dine together you and I, and

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