The Lemon Book - Natural Recipes and Preparations
ripe it takes on a bright yellow colour; the skin contains a large quantity of essential oil and aromatic alcohols in its oil-producing glands.
    Lemon essence is extracted from the bark and used in perfumery, as well as in the production of soap and cleaning products.
    In an average fruit, 30% of its weight is made up of juice. Its constituents include citric acid, malic acid, calcium and potassium citrate, mineral salts, mineral nutrients such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, large quantities of vitamin B1, B2, B3, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C (up to 50mg/100g of juice), and vitamin P.
    Having a lemon tree at home is a real joy and a significant source of basic materials for making homemade products, from cooking to cleaning products, as well as beauty treatments, as you will discover in this book.
    Menton Lemons
    In the Menton area (French Riviera), several varieties of lemon tree are cultivated by citrus farmers: the Santa Theresa, the Villafranca and the Eureka, among others.
    A PGI label (Protected Geographical Indication) is under consideration, to distinguish this fruit which is particularly rich in acids and essences.
    Its bright yellow colour, its sweet perfume and its abundantly fruit-bearing branches have established its reputation among numerous restaurateurs and delicatessens.
    A large lemon festival has been organised every year in Menton since the nineteen-thirties; in February 2013, the whole town celebrates its 80 th anniversary.
    The Syracuse Lemon
    The “Femminello Syracusano” (PGI) is the variety cultivated in the region of Syracuse in Sicily.
    Protected by a PGI label, this lemon has a thin albedo or pith (the white part beneath the yellow skin), and a very smooth skin.
    Its richness in high-quality essential oils, its juice content (34% of the weight of the fruit) and vitamin C content (around 75mg per fruit) make it a top-of-the-range product.
    Other PGI varieties (all in Italy) include Limone di Rocca Imperiale (PGI), Limone Interdonato Messina Jonica (PGI), Limone Costa d'Amalfi (PGI), Limone di Sorrento (PGI) and Limone Femminello del Gargano (PGI).
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    Almost all of the ripe fruit can be used: the juice, pulp, skin, flowers and leaves.
    After harvesting, the fruits are treated with fungicides and chemical waxes which prolong their conservation. These substances, which are potentially bad for the health, stay on the fruit until it reaches our plates. that is why it is preferable to buy organically grown lemons, and those which still have their leaves. If this is not possible, carefully brushing the fruit under the tap will reduce the concentration of pesticides on the surface.
    The most widely-used component of the lemon is doubtless its juice , which combines its refreshing and thirst-quenching properties (as the basis of numerous drinks) with its antiseptic powers . Lemon juice has a thinning and purifying effect on the blood, it makes the arteries more elastic and it contributes to the fixation of calcium . It also has astringent qualities and it is recommended in cases of dysentery and enteritis. Its diuretic properties are an aide to slimming and detoxification . Its function in regulating the metabolism and the digestive functions is of particular interest when dieting. Its high citric acid content makes it helpful in preventing gallstones and in the treatment of mild forms of poisoning.
    A course of detoxifying treatment using lemons
    It should be emphasised that in order to obtain maximum results, the lemons should be well ripened, cut and rapidly consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink the juice unsweetened and diluted in a little water which is not too cold, and always wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
    The first morning, drink the juice of half a lemon diluted in a glass of lukewarm water.
    On the following days, increase the dose by half a lemon a day, until

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