The Lion of Justice

The Lion of Justice by Jean Plaidy Page A

Book: The Lion of Justice by Jean Plaidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Plaidy
seemed to tire of his company.
    In the hall below, a banquet was being prepared and shortly the King would descend to the hall surrounded by his friends. They were all rivals for his attention, these young men, and each tried to outshine the others, Scented, their hair long andcurled, their robes like women’s robes cut low at the neck, they crowded about him, jostling for his attention.
    Rufus could not help smiling as he watched them and wondered what his father would say if he could look into his successor’s bedchamber.
    Rufus had no illusions about himself. One of his great virtues was the rare ability to see himself clearly; and an added quality was that he never shied from the truth.
    Well, Father, he mused, as he looked on that scene and listened to the high-pitched voices of his friends, we cannot all be alike. My court is a gayer place than yours ever was. You had no time for the pleasures of life. For you it was continual conquest. You were known through the latter years of your life and mayhap will be known for ever more as the Conqueror. What shall I be known as? Rufus! Shall I leave behind nothing to be remembered by except my red hair and ruddy complexion?
    Yet I am a soldier – not as good as you, but who could be? I have followed the laws you laid down. I have kept the country intact. And I have now got my hands on Normandy. It may well be that I shall bring it under the English crown, for how is Robert ever going to pay me back? I have built even as you did. There is this noble hall of Westminster. I have added the White Tower to your Tower of London, and I have built a bridge across the Thames. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches have been built, although I confess I have had little hand in those. There is something about the Church I cannot stomach. Perhaps it is because churchmen seem to me such hypocrites and, sinner that I am, I am not that.
    There’ll be no son to follow me. I could not take to women, and marriage is too repulsive to me. I have brothers, Robert and Henry. Robert would be useless as King. I am not sure of Henry. He’s ambitious and clever, they say. But he’ll be an old man before I’m ready to go. There are the sons of my sisters. What a morbid subject! I’m not going yet. There is too much here to amuse me. I like life, Father. I enjoy it as you never could. These are my friends who amuse me – something you who were all man could never understand. The hunt . . . now there we are on common ground. It’s somethingwe could always share. The feel of a horse beneath one . . . the baying of the dogs . . . the chase!
    Nay, Father, if you watch me from wherever you are, do not think too badly of me. I have followed in your steps as far as possible. I think of you and your wise laws. I follow them. But I am myself and must act accordingly.
    Robert had brought his face to that of the King.
    â€˜My lord is thoughtful.’
    â€˜Aye,’ said Rufus, ‘and it is time you dressed me for the banquet.’
    â€˜My lord’s hose,’ cried Robert, and a page came running with the garment. Robert’s nose crinkled with disgust. He covered his face with his hands and pretended to weep.
    â€˜What foolery is this?’ demanded Rufus laughing.
    â€˜It is more than I can endure,’ wept Robert. ‘My lord King to wear such hose!’
    â€˜What’s wrong with them?’ demanded Rufus.
    â€˜They are unworthy. I could bow to my lord but never to such a pair of hose.’
    â€˜Have done with your jesting and dress me.’
    â€˜â€™Tis no jest, lord; these hose are unfit for royal legs. Send for the varlet who brought them to you.’
    Rufus looked on with amusement as the man appeared trembling before Robert, who had seated himself on the faldestol, cleverly imitating Rufus.
    â€˜Hose, man, hose!’ he shouted.
    â€˜Yes, my lord,’ said the frightened man.
    â€˜You bring such

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