The London Deception

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Book: The London Deception by Addison Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Fox
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Literature & Fiction
face—crinkled at the corners as his gaze shifted to Rowan. “She’s a sweet bit of fluff, now, isn’t she?”
    “Be on your way.”
    The guy ran a hand over his jaw. “I’m not sure I can do that.”
    Finn leaped at the man’s words, unwilling to wait another moment to see what the guy had planned. He plowed a hard fist into the thug’s midsection and watched the man double over. He stayed on the balls of his feet but backed up slightly.
    “Finn! Watch out!”
    Rowan’s scream had him moving backward another few steps, and it was only that movement that prevented him from feeling the pointed edge of the thug’s knife.
    “Want to play rough, mate?”
    “Rowan! Go get the cops.” He never turned—refused to move his eyes from the threat—as he shouted out the words.
    “I can’t leave you.”
    “Get the hell out of here, Peach!”
    He heard her momentary gasp of shock before the thin man leaped once more, the knife glinting in the dim, ambient light of the street.
    Finn sidestepped several thrusts of the knife, his quick footwork the only thing keeping him in the game. The slender man was fast and slippery and he’d yet to get another hold or punch on him. The sound of shouts lit up behind him, and the heavy footfalls were enough to spook the thug, who took off running.
    Before he could give chase, one of the cops Rowan had summoned was off after the man, and another cop had a firm hold on his shoulder.
    “I’m fine.” Finn lifted his hands. “I’m fine.”
    The cop led them to the small stoop of a nearby building and gestured for them both to sit down. He ran through a list of questions, the fine cut of their outfits and the cop’s assessment of where they’d been that evening going a long way toward his ready assumption it was a standard mugging attempt.
    Finn shot Rowan a sharp look to play along but he needn’t have bothered. She was well ahead of him.
    “I did see him eyeing my clutch.”
    “Of course, ma’am.” The officer made a few more notes before handing Finn a card. “I’m afraid there’s not much more we can do tonight, Mr. Gallagher. I’ve got your information, and if you think of any further description, please call me.”
    Finn nodded and helped a still cold and aloof Rowan to her feet. The cops walked them the short distance back to the main thoroughfare before loading them into a car to drive them the remaining distance to the Savoy.
    “So much for a quiet evening.”
    “Oh, I don’t know.” Rowan’s voice held all the warmth of razors as she stared out the window as the cop turned into the hotel’s front entrance. “I’d say it was strangely illuminating.”
    She allowed the cop to help her from the car and left him to make his own farewells. “Thank you for your assistance, Officer.”
    The man nodded and Finn practically had to run to keep up with Rowan’s steady clip through the lobby. “I’ll walk you up, darling.”
    “That won’t be necessary.”
    He kept pace, stabbing his index finger at the button for the elevator. “Oh, but I insist.”
    “Don’t put yourself out.” She turned her back on him as the doors slid open, tossing her final salvo over her shoulder as she stepped into the empty elevator car. “Peach.”

Chapter 6
    R owan wasn’t surprised when Finn followed her into the elevator, but she hadn’t counted on his rising anger or the delicious sensation of having his large form towering over her in the small space.
    “I can explain.”
    “I sure as hell hope so.”
    “Rowan. Listen—”
    “No.” She waved a hand, unwilling to listen to some smooth explanation or some sort of misguided apology. “Whatever words you think you can cajole me with, you might as well save them.” The elevator doors slid open on her floor and she stomped off, far from caring about how rude it was to leave him behind.
    She was angry.
    And irrationally hurt, which was the only possible reason tears pricked the back of her eyes as she struggled with her

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