The Mermaid's Curse (California Mermaids Book 1)

The Mermaid's Curse (California Mermaids Book 1) by Kristina Ludwig Page A

Book: The Mermaid's Curse (California Mermaids Book 1) by Kristina Ludwig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Ludwig
feet, wearing only her seashell brassiere, short seaweed skirt, and, of course, my jacket. In fact, I love everything about her.
    The realization is so startling that I nearly have to stop and consider exactly what this means. But, honestly, there’s not much to think about; I know at that moment that Oceania and I are just going to have to take our relationship as it comes, letting it unfurl over time like the petals of the most beautiful rose. 
    Oceania pauses, picking up a pearlescent seashell that glistens in the starlight, and right then, I let out a huge yawn. I haven’t slept for so long, and there’s no way I’ll make it through to tomorrow without some rest.
    “Are you tired?” she asks. “Didn’t you sleep at all during the day?”
    I shake my head. “Unfortunately, Father had so many activities planned out for me that I didn’t have time to sleep.”
    “I only had a short nap,” Oceania says, handing me the seashell. I turn it over in my palm, stroking my fingers over the smooth surface before I stick it in my pocket for safekeeping. It’s a treasure—so pure and shining and lovely, like Oceania herself.
    She sinks onto the sand, pulling me down beside her. “Come, let’s sleep now,” she suggests.
    I lay on my back, and she snuggles into my arms. And there, on a pillow of soft, white sand, lulled by the calming flow of the waves, we doze off into peaceful slumber.
    I awaken to the warmth of the early morning sunshine on my face, and the sensation of water lapping at my toes; the tide has risen overnight, and the water has reached us. Oceania’s eyes fly open as a wave rolls over her lower body, and her legs morph into a mermaid’s tail.
    I laugh at her startled expression. “Good morning,” I say, caressing her cheek. “Did you sleep well?”
    She pulls herself upright, yawning and stretching. “Like a mer-baby.” 
    “Never heard that one before,” I say with a smile. I groan as I sit up next to her, rubbing my stiff back. “Ouch.”
    Oceania kisses my cheek. “Here, let me.” She begins kneading my sore muscles, working out all the knots, and I close my eyes, heaving a sigh of complete contentment.
    As I relax to the tranquil sound of Oceania’s melodious humming, the happenings of the previous night come flooding back to me like rushing water. I remember the way I’d run away from Victoria and never returned home, and then it strikes me: I’m going to be in big trouble.
    “What’s wrong?” Oceania murmurs, stilling her hands. “You’re tense again.”
    I turn to her. “I just remembered last night, that’s all. And I realized that I will have some explaining to do.”
    “So will I,” Oceania says, her forehead creasing. “When I suggested we sleep here, I had no idea it would be until morning. I was thinking more like a short nap. My parents are going to be furious.”
    I glance at my pocket watch, and notice that it’s after six. “Mine too. Well, my father will be, at least.”
    “Good luck,” Oceania says as I stand, picking her up. Her tail hasn’t dried out, which is probably for the best, since she will have to go home to the bottom of the ocean soon anyway.
    “You too.”
    “I’ll try my best to come up later today,” Oceania says. “But if I can’t make it during the day, I’ll definitely return at night.”
    “Sounds like the perfect plan,” I say, kissing her. “I hate the fact that I have to let you go,” I add, my lips still pressed to hers.
    “So do I,” she mumbles. “But I’d better go back. I’ll see you soon.”
    “See you soon,” I echo, carrying her to the water’s edge and gently placing her into the waves.
    Oceania gives me a shaky smile before her white-gold head submerges under the surf, and I sigh, trudging toward home and rubbing the seashell in my pocket for good luck. I’ll certainly need it.

Part IV: The Challenge
    Chapter Twenty-Seven: Oceania
    I return home to find Ula suspended in the water outside our

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