The Naked Truth
everything. Your race is innocent of the danger that is out there. That is coming for you.”
    He had her attention now. She stared into his bright green eyes, a new fear gnawing at the edge of her consciousness.
    “What danger?” Her voice rang sharply in the stillness of his rooms.
    “I am not supposed to release this information, but I feel you should understand the real risks here. If we cannot resolve these attacks, determine their source, the Treaty is in danger. And if there is no Treaty, your planet and your people are in grave danger.”
    She sucked in a breath, clenched her fists as she stared at him. “What exactly do you mean?”
    “There are forces outside the Confederacy that are waiting on an opportunity to step in and drain your planet of its resources. The Confederacy calls them the Ravagers. You might call them pirates. There is some evidence that points to the involvement of non-humans in at least two of the recent attacks. The Ravagers may already be in the area. They approach an unprotected planet—”
    “We aren’t unprotected,” she interjected, Starforce pride stiffening her spine.
    “Susan. These people are killers like you have never seen. They will destroy entire cities as examples, after forcing your people to surrender everything. And then they will kill or enslave everyone who is left. They will strip your metals and your water and leave what is left to slowly die. Earth will be a dry, lifeless husk. The Starforce is too new, too underpowered to form any kind of effective defense. Your fighters will die in space before they are aware they are under attack.” He paused. “Unless the Confederacy is here to make a stand and protect your Earth, your people are lost.”
    The blood drained from her face as she listened to Asler’s strained voice describing the death of all she knew and cared about.
    “I…I need a minute,” she stammered.
    “Susan…” He reached for her but she evaded his touch and stepped away from the low couch.
    “Let me get cleaned up, please. And then we will do this. We’ll go through it all.” She smiled grimly, feeling numb, as though all humor had leached from her soul. “I want to help. I have to.”
    Pride, compassion and more than a little lust for the human woman before him warred within Asler, creating an emotion he had no name for and no control over. He took Susan’s hand and led her to his private lavatory. It was a luxury onboard that his rank called for, even if he rarely made use of it. This was the first time he had ever shared it with anyone, and he was secretly glad that he had the ability to offer Susan a touch of comfort and solace before she endured what she feared most.
    Once again she exhibited a level of bravery that reminded Asler why he had chosen to stand for the human side of the Treaty as an Examiner Advocate. These people could only add to the Confederacy.
    “There are extra robes in the closet here.” He pointed out the narrow enclosure, then gestured to the transparent cleansing unit. “We use ultrasonic wave purifiers. I think you will find the added massage frequencies relaxing. I’ve set the timer—all you need to do is step inside the stall.” Asler explained the other features of the cleanser to Susan.
    Then, because he wanted to, and perhaps because she looked so small and lost, he wrapped her in his arms. He rocked her for a moment; her small frame clutched him in return. “We can do it, Susan.”
    “I know.” She sighed and pulled away from him. She shed her dirty pettan, its light color smudged from her battle with the fire.
    Asler swallowed hard when she bent to drop it on the floor, the ripe curves of her buttocks causing his mouth to suddenly water. He stepped hastily back, giving her privacy and time to collect her thoughts. He must accomplish his mission. What feelings he had on a personal level must come second, if that, to protecting the Treaty.
    He stepped into the main room and stared at the

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