The Naked Truth

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Book: The Naked Truth by Lily Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Cain
Tags: Erótica, Science-Fiction, Romance, Adult
blank outer wall. His room was near the inner bulwark of the ship, giving the wall a slight curve. If he planned to live here for any amount of time, he would coat the surface with a scene from home. Perhaps the very beach he had taken Susan to in his mind. I must take her to the real place.
    Asler shook his head. His mind had wandered again into an area it should not go. The future would not likely hold much opportunity for Susan and himself to remain together. Instead, they would determine the cause of the attacks, and then each would return to their regular courses of duty. She to her Starforce Marines, and he to his role of Examiner, but for much more standard inquiries.
    As Examiner he had to face the harsh realities, bring forward facts in situations where people might rather not face the truth. Now he knew he must also face the fact that he had begun to care for Susan…perhaps it had begun even before he set eyes upon her. Now his feelings had grown into more than care. It was more than her ability to handle the difficult situation or his need to protect, more than her physical beauty, her obvious strength. It was also her courage, and her passion. All these qualities made her important to him.
    Now he understood that he didn’t want to lose her, either to the truth if she had disclosed too much, or to her duty if she were found innocent and was required to return to service. He wanted more.
    “I’m ready.” Sue touched Asler’s shoulder. The man seemed preoccupied with something, sitting staring at the blank wall as she slipped into the room.
    She did feel ready. The ultrasonic cleanser had been more refreshing than an old-fashioned water shower or the ionic air blowers onboard her ship. She’d relaxed under the waves of the massage and felt more ready than she had since she’d awoken from her healing. That and a more concealing robe she’d found in the closet gave her a mild confidence boost. It was as soft as silk, but thick like wool. Though the fabric was short on her, at least it covered everything.
    It was hard to believe that she’d been healed so completely or that she’d been onboard the alien ship for only a few days. So much had happened so quickly, especially her rapid bonding with Asler Kiis. He was an alien, for God’s sake. Yet she found she had no doubt that Asler would help her through the memories, that he would make it bearable.
    As he turned to face her she was struck yet again by the immediate attraction she felt for him. His L’inar lines stood out—literally—in the most satisfying way. It was good to be able to see just how he reacted to her with as much attraction as she felt for him.
    “Susan.” He hesitated, his face serious despite the height of his ridges. “I’ve been thinking about the m’ittar. I would like to offer you an option. There is a way to take you out of the memory, for us to be able to examine what is happening without you experiencing the actual pain or sensations of remembering.”
    Sue’s heart beat faster. Thank God. “That sounds pretty good to me. But would we lose any details? That is what you are looking for, right? Details I can’t remember but that might be there?”
    “Yes, you and I would see everything held in your memory as though we were watching a show. We might, depending on the level of contact we can achieve, be able to discuss what we see as we are observing it happen.”
    “Let’s do it.”
    “Wait.” He reached out and stroked the edge of her robe along one sleeve. One corner of his mouth twitched up in a small smile. “This is the top half of my pet-horin for sleeping in the cold. It looks much better on you.” He shook his head and continued before she could speak. “There are risks to reviewing the memories this way.”
    “Pajamas,” she murmured, watching the soft rounding of his lips. “What kind of risks do you mean?”
    “By taking you from the memory you may not be able to experience it again.”

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