The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella)

The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue Page A

Book: The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
encouragement he needed. He stroked her clit and pumped, losing himself in wonder, basking in delight.
    He and Hallie came together for what seemed a long time, and then sagged to the floor, spent.
    Still joined, they slept.
    Hallie got Patricia’s schedule from Chase, courtesy of Jacqui. Having an expert hacker on the team proved invaluable.
    Using the information, Hallie crossed paths with Patricia outside the kitchen in what appeared a random encounter. Neither spoke or made eye contact.
    Before they got too far away, Hallie called out. “Patricia, wait. I’ve been meaning to speak to you.”
    She stopped and turned, shoulders bunched, fists clenched. “About what? Wait, let me guess. You found something in my pee, and now I don’t get to go on my Caribbean vacation?”
    “Relax. Please. What I want to say has nothing to do with your urine test.” Hallie pushed her glasses up her nose and joined Patricia. “I’ve heard good things about your work in the kitchen.”
    Sweat dampened Patricia’s plump face and prison uniform. Food of unknown origin smeared her tunic and pants. “Since when?”
    “It’s a well-known fact. You do what you’re supposed to without complaint, keep the others in line, and don’t cause any trouble. I need someone like that on my team.”
    Interest sparked in Patricia’s eyes. Her stance softened with what might have been gratitude. Both emotions evaporated quickly, replaced by suspicion. She pushed back her stringy brown hair. “Since when?”
    Hallie hoped her acting skills were good enough to pull this off. “I never replaced Kim Stephenson. I need someone to keep the infirmary spotless. That means constant cleaning, changing beds, getting rid of soiled linens. Past inmates have either taken to it or they don’t want to be around blood and sickness. We have two Alzheimer’s patients, Ruth and Ynez. They’re lifers. During your shift, you’d have to feed, dress, and change them. Make sure they don’t get bedsores.” Hallie wished she could make it sound more exciting and pleasant, but as Chase had said, cutting through BS was faster. “It’s not for everyone. But there are perks. Air conditioning, no bugs or rats like in the kitchen, and during your shift you’d report to me rather than Officer Lunez.” A female guard with a shittier attitude than Patricia’s.
    She looked past Hallie, her face a mask.
    “Think about it and let me know.” Hallie pivoted.
    “I’ll do it. When do I report?”
    Curbing her excitement, Hallie faced her. “I’ll get the paperwork started. You can begin tomorrow during my shift. I arrive at eight in the morning. See you then, and thanks.”
    Patricia left.
    As Chase had promised Hallie, he played Dick and Edward off each other whenever one worked alone with him.
    This evening, he and Dick manned the bubble, the first time they were the only ones here since the treasure-hunt incident. Chase ignored the SOB. A ploy he’d used on Edward to unnerve him when they’d been together. Make him worry about the grudge Chase nursed.
    Dick grew increasingly antsy and rocked. His chair squeaked. “Isn’t it time for your break? I’ll watch things while you’re gone.”
    “I bet you will. Same as Edward? As good as Edward?”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    Chase focused on the monitors. “Make of it what you will. Just don’t be stupid enough to cross me again.”
    “I never did the first time.” Dick stood. “I’ve told you that for days.”
    “Then excuse me.” Chase deliberately rolled his eyes. “The snitch doesn’t exist. Neither does the phantom weapon. I must have dreamed up the whole thing.”
    “I didn’t try to make you look bad.”
    “If not you, then who did? Me?” Chase touched his chest. “Now why would I do that? I wouldn’t. One of the inmates?” He leaned forward. “They didn’t know your game was coming down, right? Or do you put out memos and use the sound system to

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