The One Left Behind (The One Series)

The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole

Book: The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Nicole
remembered I have something to get to at the office, so I better go. Have fun with your new friend.” I try to be sincere but I can’t. I’m sure she can hear the disdain dripping from my words. At this point, I couldn’t give two shits. We hang up and I’m left here with my thoughts.
    How the hell is she dating already? Is she not going to give us a chance? It’s like she’s accepted that her memory is gone and she’s not expecting it to come back. I feel like she is moving on and that thought slowly turns my anger into despair. I sink back into my lounge chair with my elbows on my knees. I lean forward and put my face in my hands as I shake my head at my new realization.
    The distance is growing between us and I feel it every day her memory doesn’t come back. I squeeze my eyes shut and run my hands through my hair, tugging at the ends out of pain and frustration.
    I do the only thing I can do at this point and pick up my phone and dial. He picks up on the second ring. “Hey, Colin, what’s up?”
    “Hey, Jeremy. Are you busy? I really need to get out of here.”

COLIN HAS BEEN through so much already. If we’re going to be friends and build a friendship, it needs to be based on trust, not lies. I hear the hurt in his voice when I tell him about Pierce. Should I have lied about it? Maybe, but it just wouldn’t feel right with me. I loved this man once and he deserves the truth. I will just have to make it up to him when I see him. I could tell he was upset by the way he was rushing to get off the phone, but we end the call making plans to see each other next weekend.
    Looking at the clock I realize I have just enough time to shower and get ready to meet Pierce.
    Two hours later I’m dressed and ready to go. I throw on a maxi dress, some sandals, grab my purse and head out the door to meet up with Pierce. Since it is a nice day, I put the top down on my Mustang. A Train song is on the radio, so I crank it up and pull out onto the road to make my way to Cup of Joes. Pulling up to the coffee shop, I am able to score a parking spot right in front of the building. I leave the top down and see Pierce through the window. He waves at me and I walk in.
    I walk over to the table Pierce is sitting at. When I reach him, he stands up and gives me a hug. Being that close to him gives me a chance to take in his scent. He smells musky with a hint of spice. I could stand here all day soaking in his delicious smell. I snap out of my trance and step out of his embrace resting my hands on his muscular biceps. I know he has a nice body since I saw him without a shirt on at the beach, but seeing and touching are two totally different things. I have to admit, it felt good being wrapped up in his big arms.
    “Hey, I got you a coffee. French vanilla, cream and sugar, right?” I smile shyly and think it’s sweet that he had paid attention to how I like my coffee when we were at the hospital. I feel my cheeks heat up with the amount of attention I realize he’s been giving me.
    “Yup, someone’s been paying attention in class.” His shoulders go back as he lifts his chin up with a knowing grin stretched across his gorgeous face. “But, it’s not hard when you take it the same way I do; I guess that’s kind of cheating.” His shoulders slump down and he lifts the left one in a shrug. “I haven’t ordered any lunch yet, I was waiting for you to get here.”
    He hands me a menu and I look it over. Cup of Joes is my favorite coffee shop in town because it’s also a deli. You can get anything you want and I love that. The waitress comes back and asks if we are ready to order. “Ladies first,” Pierce says to me while still looking over the menu.
    “I’ll have the chicken Caesar sandwich with no onions please. Can I also get a salad with Italian dressing, but without the onions, tomatoes, and croutons?”
    Pierce looks up from his menu and is staring at me with an amused look on his face.
    “What?” I ask somewhat

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