The One Left Behind (The One Series)

The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Page B

Book: The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Nicole
like a great guy who clearly respected your father.” Hearing the pain in his voice when he first told me his father had passed away makes me happy that he has another male presence in his life. Someone he can look up to in his father’s absence.
    “Jimmy is the best.” A look of respect and admiration crosses his face.
    “So the day I met you, you said you just moved back. Was that move from New York?”
    “Yes, I was working on expanding our business. My dad didn’t like to travel a lot. As he was getting older he wanted to do less traveling and spend more time at home with my mother. I didn’t mind. After my breakup with…” he cuts himself off and stops his line of thinking before he continues with, “Well, I needed some time away and it was nice to have a distraction to keep me busy. After my father passed away, I moved back to handle things here.”
    I have to hand it to Pierce, he seems to really be doing well as a businessman. I want to know what break up he is talking about. I remember Lexi saying something about a girl named Samantha. I wonder if that is the same person. It is probably best not to ask since he didn’t continue what he was going to say. Maybe it is still like rubbing salt on an open wound. When we get to know each other better, he might open up about it. I’ll leave it alone for now.
    “So, you lived in New York. Have you ever been to Serendipity?” I ask, changing the subject.
    “I think it’s a crime to live in New York and not go there. They have the best ice cream. I’m assuming you have been there before?”
    “I have many times. I grew up in New Jersey so my friends and I would take random trips to New York and that place always made our list of places to stop at before heading home. I would kill for some ice cream from there.” I rub my belly wishing I had some right now.
    Our food comes out just in time. Talking about ice cream makes me realize how hungry I really am. The rest of lunch is nice. We make small talk about where we are from, places we have been and places we would like to go. We talk about how he went to college at NYU and about the New York expansion for his business. I talk about how I can’t wait to be removed from light duty and return to my regular duties at my job. I glance at the clock and see that three hours have gone by since I arrived.
    “Wow, I can’t believe we have been sitting here for three hours. I have so much I have to get done today. I totally lost track of time.” I start going through my purse trying to locate my wallet.
    “Well, you know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun.” Pierce stands up and insists on paying the bill again.
    “You know you don’t have to keep paying for my tabs,” I say as I put my hand on my hip in an exaggerated manner. He just grins at me and shakes his head.
    “I know I don’t, but I invited you for lunch so I get to pick up the tab.”
    I have a feeling I’m not going to win this argument. I smile and nod in defeat. Pierce laughs at me and continues, “Hey, if you really want to pay the tab you can invite me out next time and I’ll let you pay.” Somehow I doubt he’d ever let me pay regardless of who extended the invite.
    “Sounds good. Hey, I have to run but thanks again for lunch. I had a great time.” I lean over to pick up my purse, then I reach toward him and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I let my lips linger on his cheek a little too long and I wonder what his lips would feel like. I force myself to pull away hoping Pierce doesn’t notice my wayward thoughts.
    “It was my pleasure. I think I have a busy week coming up, but how about I call or text you and see if we both have some free time on the same day?”
    “That would be great. I’ll talk to you soon.” I know I have a big smile on my face, but I can’t stop it. I walk to the car and open the door, and am about to sit in it when Pierce calls out to me.
    “Oh, and Addison?” I turn around to look at

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