The Pack - Shadow Games
asked with a grin. "Some Alpha you are."
    "The view is better from here."
    My cheeks flushed red as a tingle between my
legs turned into a powerful throb. Without another word, I pushed
my hips back and his cock slipped easily into my wet and wanting
hole. Sam just grinned as I slid up and down on his thick dick. I
rolled my eyes in response and pulled his hands to my breasts.
    "I like this new you. Powerful. You know what
you want,” he said as he touched me gently.
    I did feel different. Now that I was a wolf,
I fit in. I could join the Pack. Sam and I could be together and
have pups. My hips dipped up and down quicker as I thought of just
how right everything felt.
    Sam's hands on my tits combined with the
pleasant feeling of his cock hitting perfectly against my pleasure
center sent shivers up and down my spine. I closed my eyes as my
breath quickened and my heart raced. As the pleasure within me
built, I held my breath and concentrated.
    Bliss washed over me as I came. I had a
sudden urge to tilt my head back and howl, but it past as a second
wave of wonder rolled through me. My stomach tightened and my toes
curled as I sagged against Sam. I clamped down on his rock hard
cock while he bucked his hips as I quit moving. When I didn't
respond to his urging, Sam shrugged and ran his hands along my
    As the pleasure started to ebb, I began to
grind against Sam once again. I'd gotten what I wanted; now it was
time for me to return the favor. I pushed myself back up and
bounced up and down on his rigid shaft while my hands ran across
his chest. But as I tried to please Sam, my fingers ran across
something that hadn't been there when we started our sexual
    I looked down and my eyes grew wide as I saw
a dozen raised scars crisscrossing Sam's chest.
    Where had they come from?
    My hips slowed as my fingers traced one of
the smaller scars. Perfectly straight and running diagonally across
his left pec, it almost looked like a surgical scar. When my finger
reached the end of the old wound, I traced a different line that
ran across his shoulder towards his neck.
    That's when I noticed the scars weren't
contained to just his chest. Three parallel lines crossed over
Sam's face, starting from the lower left of his jawbone and cutting
across to his right ear. The scars weren't the thin surgical lines
like the ones on his chest either. These looked like some kind of
animal had taken a swipe at Sam and connected. From the look of the
wounds, he was lucky he hadn't lost an eye.
    "What's wrong?" Sam asked.
    "What is wrong Liv? Why did you stop?" Sam
looked at me warily. "Are you okay?"
    "Your scars. They just... something's not
    I pushed myself off of Sam and sat down in
the grass. What was going on? Scars didn't just magically appear.
And where was I? I couldn't remember how we'd gotten here. Was I
going crazy? Did something go wrong when I shifted?
    Sam wrapped his arms around me and laid his
head on my shoulder. "You don't remember Liv? Those first couple of
nights? The vampire attacks?"
    Vampires. Attacks. It all came flooding back
to me. My frantic run through the forest as Sam stayed behind to
buy me time. The surprising appearance of Gregory McNaire carrying
him, broken and bloodied, to my doorstep. Our day in my apartment
and the narrow escape that night as vampires set my new home on
    The car crash. Ohh god. Shattered glass and
blood. Sam lying unmoving in the mangled cab of the truck. McNaire,
my long lost biological father, in the backseat with a tree through
his chest. He'd told me to run but I didn't listen. I'd done the
one thing neither man would have wanted, but it was the only way I
could save them.
    I gave myself to the vampires. I thought they
would kill me, but they took me instead. I was their prisoner.
    So how was I here? How was Sam next to
    Sam's hands were gone. I turned around, but
he was nowhere to be seen. The forest too had disappeared, replaced
by an inky black cloud

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