The Pillars of Ponderay

The Pillars of Ponderay by Lindsay Cummings Page A

Book: The Pillars of Ponderay by Lindsay Cummings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Cummings
snowball fight, and whenthe red birds overhead started to sing their evening song, Albert knew it was time to retire for the night.
    At first, his sleep was peaceful. But it didn’t last long. Soon, Albert was tossing and turning in his bed, not able to get comfortable, not able to shut down his mind. He wished it had an off switch like a video game console. Instead, he had more of his crazy dreams.
    Albert and his team were failing in the Pit.
    Birdie was on the floor, clutching a broken arm. Across from him, Leroy was busy battling a creature that looked like it was half shark, half monkey. The creature gnashed sharp, lethal jaws at Leroy’s head. He was barely able to fight him off.
    â€œAlbert!” Birdie cried out. “Help me!”
    â€œNo, Albert!” Leroy shouted. “Help ME!”
    Albert didn’t know what to do.
    Argon was crushing Hydra. Hoyt stood on top of a pillar, snickering as he held an armload of Tiles. And in the background, sitting on the stands, Professor Flynn shook his head in disapproval at Albert. “You’re just not cut out for the Core this year, kiddo. Better luck next time.”
    â€œNo!” Albert shouted. “Give me a chance!”
    He could do this, he could fix things and help Hydra win. He reached down, ready to use his Master Tile.
    But his fingers clutched at an empty cord.
    In the morning, after a full meal in Cedarfell (two full meals for Leroy), Albert and Leroy met Birdie at the entrance to the Pit.
    Her hair was up in a messy bun today, the streaks of pink showing through like yarn in a blond bird’s nest. She had a huge grin on her face.
    â€œWe got new beds in Treefare,” she said, holding open the door for the boys. Farnsworth scurried through and raced up the jagged path to the Pit. “I slept ah-mazingly. How ’bout you guys?”
    â€œLike a newborn baby.” Leroy yawned, stretching his long arms over his head.
    Albert yawned, too, but it wasn’t because he felt rested.
    â€œWe have to win today, guys,” he said over his shoulder as he jogged up the path. “I was awake all night thinking about it.”
    â€œWe’ll win,” Birdie said from behind him. “Right, Leroy?”
    â€œThe odds are actually pretty even, bros,” Leroy shouted from the rear.
    That made Albert feel a little bit better.
    They rode the platform up, wind whipping them in the face. Birdie chatted on and on about the Pure girls in Treefare, how she felt like they were all incredibly talented.
    When they reached the top, the doors swung open.
    Professor Flynn stood on the other side.
    â€œDad?” Albert’s voice squeaked like one of Farnsworth’s chew toys. “What are you doing here?”
    Professor Flynn waved them in, then escorted them to the edge of the Pit. “I’m here to give you a quick lesson on Ponderay, as a favor to Professor Asante. You’ll get more info in a classroom session later, but for now, this will have to do. Professor Asante would do it herself, of course, but she’s in the Realm searching for the Means to Restore Balance.”
    â€œWell, that’s cool with me,” Albert said.
    Professor Flynn chuckled. “And afterward, can’t a father watch his son kick some tail in the training Pit?”
    Albert laughed. “I don’t think people say kick some tail anymore, Dad.”
    Professor Flynn straightened his emerald jacket. “In that case, go team!”
    Birdie muffled a laugh as Professor Flynn marched off and took his place in front of the stands. Trey was on the top row, scribbling furiously into a notebook, his hair messier than usual, his clothing a little rumpled. What was up with that guy lately? Team Argon marched in late, as always, and sat on the far left of the stands, while Albert, Birdie, and Leroy sat on the far right.
    â€œProfessor Asante wanted me to fill you in on how Ponderay would act during a typical day, without an

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