The Princess & the Pea
attired gentlemen and beautifully gowned ladies would have captured her wholehearted attention and full-fledged participation. She would have sparkled with enthusiasm, flirted outrageously, danced every dance. Tonight, however, she couldn't muster the minimal energy demanded for even the tiniest bit of fun.
    She glanced around the crowded room and sighed silently to herself. Even Emily's information that the Earl of Graystone would attend the gathering tonight failed to lift her spirits. While initially she'd directed every bit of rage, every morsel of fury triggered by Jared's defection at the unsuspecting earl, her desire to wreak her revenge on him had vanished. It simply wasn't worth the effort. Even her ambition to follow in the footsteps of Nellie Bly had lost its appeal. All she seemed to want to do these days was sleep. And, when finally alone, in the privacy of her own bed, to weep.
    The gentleman next to her proclaimed some bit of wisdom that the others of the group decreed humorous and she laughed lightly. What on earth had he said? Recent days were reminiscent of the time when she was twelve and had been thrown from a horse. The pain in her head had fogged her waking hours and turned sleep into a welcome escape to the nothingness of oblivion. The only real difference between then and now was that the pain today was not in her head but in her heart.
    "You are not having the least bit of fun, are you?" Emily frowned by her side and drew Cece a step away from those around them.
    "You've always claimed that I have far too much fun," Cece said, faintly amused by her sister's concern.
    Emily sighed. "I know, but it appears I was wrong." Her eyes clouded with worry. "It seems I like you a great deal more when you are the rash, high-spirited sister who uses me to disguise your own highly improper pursuits." She shrugged. "At least I know to expect that virtually the unlikeliest things can happen with you. Now ..."
    "It's sweet of you to worry, but I'm fine," Cece said gently, and for a fleeting moment wondered if she would ever be really fine again.
    Emily shook her head and cast her glance around the ballroom. Abruptly, she gasped, and Cece looked at her with mild surprise. "Whatever is the matter?"
    Emily directed eyes wide with shock toward her sister. "Cece ... I think you'd ... or rather ... perhaps it would be best if..."
    Confusion pulled Cece's brows together. "What are you babbling about?"
    "Dear girl, I'd like you to meet someone." Lady Millicent tapped briskly on her shoulder. Cece composed a pleasant smile and gracefully turned to face her mother's friend. A tall figure shadowed the older woman's back. "Cece, this is the Earl of Graystone." The shadow stepped forward.
    Cece's heart stilled. Her breath caught in her throat. Her hands trembled. Her knees threatened to collapse.
    "Jared Graystone, this is Cecily Gwendolyn White." Lady Millicent smiled encouragingly.
    Cece stared, unable—unwilling—to believe her eyes. It was as if the room had faded into a dim, vague blur. As if nothing existed on the face of the earth but the two of them. As if they were isolated in a world all their own. He returned her stare, apparently as dumbfounded as she.
    Jared Grayson.
    The Earl of Graystone.
    She pulled a deep, steadying breath. "You!" she said, in a voice barely audible.
    A myriad of emotions flashed through the dark blue of his eyes. Shock. Disbelief. Acknowledgment. His eyes narrowed.
    "Miss White," he said, his manner composed, his tone cool.
    Surely he was not going to pretend they were strangers? Apparently he was. The ache she'd lived with since Paris abruptly blossomed to sheer, unadulterated fury. She grit her teeth and lifted her chin a notch. Two could play this ridiculous game. For the first time in nearly two weeks, she welcomed the challenge.
    She extended her hand. "Your ... lordship."
    His eyes snapped at the subtle sarcasm implicit in her tone, and satisfaction surged through her blood. He grasped her

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