The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)

The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2) by Addie Jo Ryleigh Page B

Book: The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2) by Addie Jo Ryleigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addie Jo Ryleigh
worry about Foxmoore tracking Mr. Rollins and discovering what the vile man had done with the artifacts. She retained no delusions as to where Mr. Rollins’ loyalty would fall. It wouldn’t be with her. He’d expose her and she’d be left with nothing.
    Worse, once Foxmoore had his information from her father, he’d be gone from the estate and she’d have no way of knowing how close he would be to solving the mystery. She now had an invisible sword poised above her head.
    At least with Nate she retained a semblance of control. Even if it wasn’t true and she was as close to being caught as when he’d first arrived.
    “I believe our best chance lies with the last theft. It has only been two days and hopefully the thief doesn’t have a proficient enough channel to have offloaded the item already.” The lines on Nate’s face eased with his command. She could feel him take control of the situation with a shift in the air. As if his confidence demanded attention.
    Why did she find it so incredibly tempting? Didn’t her misguided brain—which found him interesting and alluring—also understand he had the power to destroy everything she loved?
    Apparently not, since she couldn’t summon the wherewithal to keep her eyes from skimming his muscular form. She had to give herself a subtle shake to focus on the conversation. If she had any hope of protecting her secret, she needed to stay one step ahead of Nate . . . and now Foxmoore.
    Nate’s training kicked in and he managed to make final plans with Foxmoore, all the while trying to merge the man he knew Foxmoore to be with the man now standing before him.
    When the earl entered the room, Nate’s stomach had dropped, assuming something had happened to his brother and Foxmoore had been sent to deliver the news. Even though they’d captured Gabe’s blackmailer—Mr. Johnstone, their villainous father’s disgruntled solicitor—Nate feared there might be more to uncover.
    Not satisfied they held the final answer, Nate had continued to investigate after Johnstone’s capture. With Lawson’s agreement, he’d assigned a couple of his men to quietly keep guard of his brother and family. After two months of no activity, he’d pulled the men. But the tingle in the back of his mind hadn’t died.
    Foxmoore’s revelation of being a closet collector wasn’t entirely unbelievable. The man was far from the debauched rake Gabe had been before finding his way with the help of his wife; Foxmoore’s sister, Elizabeth. In fact, Foxmoore was a well-respected and influential member of parliament. Most surprising was the earl’s consent for time away from his duties to pursue a self-interested pastime.
    “I’ll give word I’m looking to acquire some Egyptian artifacts,” the earl suggested. “That should be enough to turn up a few leads. From there I’ll watch for items matching Brodford’s pieces.”
    The idea of shirking his duties usually turned Nate’s gut sour. But knowing Foxmoore, the job would be in good hands. Nate slid a quick glance to Lady Annabel, noting how she silently watched their exchange.
    He had more pressing matters to keep his attention. He turned back to Foxmoore. There was one more detail he needed to impose upon the man. Something an earl probably wouldn’t understand. Though Nate suspected Foxmoore would respect his reasoning. Either way, it was definitely information Nate didn’t want Lady Annabel privy to.
    “Lady Annabel, we will leave you to your school business while we converse with your father.” Nate had no qualms about using the case to remove himself from her presence in order to have a private word with Foxmoore.
    She gaped at him, clearly not ready to be ousted from the proceedings. Aware of her stubbornness, he didn’t allow an opportunity for her to invite herself along as he nudged Foxmoore from the parlor. To further hinder her from following, he closed the door behind them.
    At the click of the latch, Foxmoore eyed him with a

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