The Sea Maiden

The Sea Maiden by Mary Speer Page A

Book: The Sea Maiden by Mary Speer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Speer
closer to  the Sea Maiden, the Captain called out,
    “Peter we have guests this evening.”
    As Lynnette started to climb up the ladder her hood fell back. She wondered what Peter would think, when he recognized her. She was almost afraid to look up. Lynnette’s dark hair spilled around her as she kept her head down making sure she didn’t lose her footing. Peter called out as she reached the top, not yet knowing who she was.
    “Give me your hand!”
    Lynnette looked up and stretched out her hand. Peter blinked and squinted as if he was seeing a ghost. Lynnette smiled her heart racing.
    “Lynnette?” Shocked to see her he pulled her straight into his arms and over the deck and greeted her with a hug and kiss. “I can’t believe this! What are you doing here? How did you know where to find me? How do you know Captain Drake?”
    He had so many questions. Clifton came on board behind her and Peter tensed wondering why she was with him and the Captain. Clifton could not help feeling a sense of loss after seeing Peter embrace Lynnette.
    “I have a friendly crew,” Captain Drake chuckled. “Peter you can spare us the hugs and kisses…this is Clifton, he and Miss Attoms are our guests this evening.”
    “Yes sir….but I am a little confused about…”
    “I know you are Peter, I’ll explain later…I am tired and so are our guest so please take care of them first.” Please take him down to the crew’s quarters let him find an empty bunk or hammock. And show our pretty lady guest to the guest quarters.”
    “Right away Captain.”
    “Peter! Don’t forget you’re on watch tonight!”
    “No Sir.”
    Captain Drake then turned his attention to Lynnette.
    “Welcome to the Sea Maiden Miss Attoms, I know it’s not home but I hope you will find it adequate at least for tonight. Peter will show you to the guest quarters. It is small but clean and accommodates only one person.” He gave Peter a stern look, and walked part of the way with them. “You will find blankets inside, if you need more do let us know. Well Miss Attoms it’s been an unexpected but interesting pleasure. I do wish you a comfortable stay, good night and good night to you Clifton.”
    Captain Drake turned to retire toward his own quarters.
    “Good night Captain and thank you for everything.”
    “You ’re welcome, pleasant dreams Miss Attoms.”
    Peter and Lynnette walked ahead of Clifton, Peter held Lynnette closely
    “Thank you Captain and if there is anything I can do please let me know?
    “Actually yes Clifton, keep an eye on them; make sure she’s off to bed in 15 minutes, for her own good.”
    “Yes Captain good night.”
    “Peter you have 15 minutes to get back to your post.”
    “Yes Captain.”
    Peter stopped first at the guest quarters to let Lynnette in the small room.
    “I will be right back beautiful.”
    He kissed her once more before walking away he wanted to get Clifton settled in the crew’s quarters and get back to Lynnette quickly.
    “Come with me mate! So how do you know Lynnette?”
    “She’s Lord Harmon’s guest.”
    “Not tonight, why are you with her? And who is Lord Harmon?”
    “He’s the Captains half-brother.”
    “Really? I didn’t even know the Captain had a brother.”
    “That’s because they’re not close, merely civil toward one another for business purposes. Lord Harmon had me run an errand to the Captain and arranged that she join me so he could be alone with her friend. I suggested she stay but after hearing I was to come to  the Sea Maiden she insisted on coming.”
    “I see” Peter smiled to himself. “Well this is the crew’s quarters. Most of the crew is gone, some may come back tonight, I suggest you find a bunk or hammock on this side, most seamen have claimed the rear.”
    “Where does Wilkes sleep?”
    “Remus Wilkes? He sleeps on this hammock, you know him?”
    “He’s a bad tempered drunk I would sleep somewhere else if I were you

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