The Season of the Hyaena (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries)

The Season of the Hyaena (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries) by Paul Doherty Page B

Book: The Season of the Hyaena (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries) by Paul Doherty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Doherty
hand,’ Horemheb played with the ring on his finger, ‘against the official Protector of our Prince. Your persons are sacred and safe. If any of us were sent on such an embassy we would be dealt with as traitors.’
    ‘More to the point,’ Rameses intervened, ‘General Horemheb and I are needed here to raise whatever troops are necessary to deal with this usurper. The House of Silver requires the attention of Lord Maya, whilst it is essential that Lord Huy maintains rigour in the House of Envoys and tries to discover if this usurper is supported by other princes.’
    ‘Of course,’ Meryre intervened with a smirk, ‘my lord Ay could accompany us.’
    Ay just sat, hands on his thighs, staring across the council chamber.
    ‘My lord,’ Horemheb retorted, ‘such a remark borders on insolence. Will you go or won’t you?’
    ‘On two conditions,’ Meryre snapped.
    ‘If you go,’ Ay intervened, ‘then, my lord, you should be gone within the week. We have spent enough time on this matter. I regret the attacks. General Rahmose’s death has caused great grief and heartache. Once you are gone, we shall observe the official days of mourning. As for the assault on Lord Mahu, careful search will be made. So, my lord Meryre, what are your conditions?’
    ‘First, that Prince Tutankhamun be removed from Thebes. The events of yesterday prove this city cannot be trusted. There are many here who hate the Aten and wage war against those who serve the One.’
    ‘And where should he be removed to?’ I asked.
    ‘Back to the City of the Aten. He will be safe there.’
    ‘But the city’s dying,’ Rameses snapped. ‘Its houses are crumbling, its palaces deserted.’
    ‘It’s still safer,’ Meryre insisted. ‘Would you not agree, Lord Mahu? It can be approached from the Eastern Desert, but the terrain is difficult and controlled by sentries on the clifftops. The only other approach is by river, and that can easily be guarded.’
    A general discussion broke out. I looked to Ay for guidance, but he gazed serenely back. That was God’s Father! Ay was determined on confronting this usurper in the Delta; everything else would have to wait. He moved his head, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, whilst his fingers played with the blue and gold pectoral glittering on his chest. That look was enough. Ay was prepared to co-operate with Meryre and he would probably advise me to do the same. The High Priest had been astute. Thebes was dangerous. Whatever Ankhesenamun said, only the Gods knew who the Shabtis of Akenhaten really were. The City of the Aten was easy to protect and Tutankhamun would be safer there.
    ‘Will the Lady Ankhesenamun go with him?’ I asked.
    ‘My lord,’ Meryre spread his hands, ‘who accompanies the Prince is up to you, his official protector. I am simply saying the City of the Aten is safer.’
    ‘And full of your supporters,’ Rameses shouted.
    Huy and Maya nodded in agreement.
    ‘My supporters?’ Meryre retorted. ‘Those who support me support you as well, as I am sure those who support you support me. The Prince will be well looked after by Mahu’s retinue. What are you implying, Lord Rameses? That some faction will seize the Prince and have him crowned? But Pharaoh can only be crowned either in Memphis, where you have your troops, or Thebes. The coronation regalia will remain here.’
    ‘But the City of the Aten will be full,’ Rameses insisted, ‘of your supporters, those who follow the cult of the Aten.’
    ‘As Thebes is full of our enemies,’ Tutu retorted.
    ‘And now we come to our second demand,’ Meryre continued smoothly. ‘My lord Tutu,’ he gestured round, ‘and other supporters of the Aten will remove themselves from Thebes. The assassination of General Rahmose has clearly demonstrated the dangers of staying here. I demand they be given the protection of the great fortress of Buhen.’


(Ancient Egyptian for ‘red-haired fiends’)

Chapter 4

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