The Second Time I Saw You: The Oxford Blue Series #2

The Second Time I Saw You: The Oxford Blue Series #2 by Pippa Croft Page A

Book: The Second Time I Saw You: The Oxford Blue Series #2 by Pippa Croft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pippa Croft
? That’s one way of putting it.
    ‘No!’ Alexander throws up his hands in frustration at losing his temper but crosses to the door and growls through the panel. ‘I’ll be down in a few minutes, Robert. Can you serve them some tea or whisky or something?’
    ‘I’m afraid we don’t have any decent whisky left, my lord.’
    I clap a hand over my mouth to stifle a highly inappropriate laugh. Alexander reins in his irritation. ‘Sherry then. I really don’t care. Please, just keep them happy until I come down.’
    ‘Of course, my lord.’
    Footsteps retreat down the landing as Alexander stands motionless for a few seconds, staring into space. Then he shakes his head. ‘It’s no good. I can’t put it off any longer.’
    He pulls on trousers and a shirt and rakes his hand through his hair.
    ‘Good luck,’ I say as he opens the door.
    ‘I’ll need it.’

Chapter Five
    The sky over the deer park is rosy as the sun slips closer to the horizon, but Rupert’s father’s BMW and a black Lexus that I presume belongs to the lawyers are still parked outside on the drive. The house has been eerily quiet while I’ve been working on some research for my essay. I also made a phone call to Immy to tell her how the funeral went. It’s Friday afternoon, of course, and she’d been rushing to finish writing up some fieldwork before she gets ready for a night out at someone’s twenty-first birthday party. The contrast has not escaped me.
    Maybe I should go downstairs and try to find out what’s happening, because I’m going stir crazy up in Alexander’s bedroom and, let’s face it, I’m dying to know how the meeting has gone.
    As I reach the first landing, the study door opens off the hallway below me. I stop in my tracks as a man I assume to be Mr de Courcey comes out. I think it’s him, judging by the country tweed and sandy combover hairstyle I can see from my perch. He’s followed by a younger man and woman in sober suits, who I assume must be part of the legal team. Alexander emerges behind them but I can’t see his face. I wait on the landing, not wanting to join him until they’ve gone. Thelawyers shake hands with Alexander and leave first, but Mr de Courcey lingers.
    ‘You will call me if you need anything,’ I hear him saying in a gruff haw-haw voice. ‘You know you can rely on Rupert, Letitia and me, any time. We are family, after all.’
    I hear a clipped ‘Thank you, I do appreciate your time’ from Alexander and shortly afterwards the front door shuts again.
    I run down the stairs and call after Alexander, who is already heading back to the study. ‘How did it go?’
    ‘Not now,’ he growls, strides back into the study and slams the door.
    So I’m left standing in the middle of the hallway, shut out again. I take a deep breath and tell myself that he’s under a lot of pressure and that he’s bound to be on edge, yet I’m furious to be shut out so abruptly and I remind myself why I’ve been so determined to keep my distance from Alexander.
    Some time later, I walk downstairs again and spot Helen in the hallway.
    ‘Hello, Miss Cusack,’ she smiles. ‘Can I help you? Would you like some tea sent up?’
    ‘Not really, but thanks for the offer.’
    The study door opens and Alexander appears, looking tired but calm. ‘Lauren?’
    ‘Yes?’ I say coldly.
    With a wry smile, Helen leaves us.
    ‘I’m sorry, will you come in?’ he asks, standing by the door to allow me in, like I’m being invited into theprincipal’s office. I hesitate, and then remind myself the meeting was probably tough and move towards him.
    Inside the study, the huge mahogany desk is almost obscured by files and papers, illuminated by a brass desk lamp. ‘I apologize for being a git earlier.’
    ‘Yes, you were, but I’ll forgive you this one time.’
    That draws a faint smile but I wonder what nasty surprises might have been in the will. Debts, perhaps? Maybe the general had a

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