The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted

The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted by K.K. Allen Page B

Book: The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted by K.K. Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.K. Allen
this strange new town just happens to have a flock of girls
around him.
    Not fitting in seems to always be my problem. I’ve
always been so awkward and unapproachable, which is why my interest in guys
never went any further than friendly banter on the basketball court.
    It’s different talking to Alec, like I have more
self-confidence. But maybe it’s not just with Alec. Maybe these were the
changes that Rose had talked about. I’m growing up. The changes taking place
could surely be those in a maturing teen.
    But what about my dreams? How do I justify those? I
suppose with my mom’s passing, moving to a new city, and making the transition
from homeschool to High School could all play a part in my illusions. The dream
could just be some kind of sign that life here will be different – I will
be different. As for the vision I had that day on the beach, I can’t begin to
explain that one. The flashes of bright white light were so vivid and painful
with each stab. Sure, they could pass for a headache, as Alec believed them to
be. But the vision that accompanied the light was much too real to ignore.

Chapter Six
    Today marks the 16 th year of my life, a
milestone that Rose believes to be cause for a celebration. It’s finally time
for me to make my entrance to my party. I pause at the top of the grand
staircase, taking one final look in the full-length mirror at the top of the
stairs. Charlotte helped me get dressed, despite my resistance. And with simple
touches like mascara and blush, my long eyelashes are accentuated and my
cheeks, rosy. Light eyeliner defines my silverish-blue eyes, which are becoming
more silver with every day that passes.
    It’s my hair that really strikes me though. The
length alone has grown so fast over the few short weeks I’ve been here and it’s
down past my shoulders in curvy locks.
    During my research I made an effort to understand
more about the day my grandmother holds so special. The Summer Solstice, June
21 st , is the first day of summer. It’s also the longest day of the
year as the sun reaches its highest point in the sky at noon. Since spending
hours upon hours in the library I’ve read about all varieties of stories of the
Summer Solstice and the celebrations. In general, it is a time when social code
is temporarily shifted, as servants share in the merriment as equals. In some
cases, their masters even serve them.
    Rose’s wild stories and crazy imagination is
getting the better of me. My dream last night was just like the first, upon
arriving at Summer Estates. The girl in the glass shattered the same vase.
Everything about the dream was exactly the same – except that the evil
smile in the mirror belonged to my grandmother. This time it was her who raised
her hand to make the vase burst in mid-air.
    I’m disappointed that my questions are still
unanswered after as much reading as I’ve done. What does any of this have to do
with Rose’s obsession with Ancient Greek culture and our family history? At
some point today I plan to confront Rose. She will tell me everything
she knows and she will explain all of these mysteries that she’s been keeping
from me.
    I run my hands down my ribs, waist, and then
finally my upper thighs, all covered in my simple green chiffon, baby doll
dress that reaches a couple inches above my knees. With a deep breath, I turn
and look down the semi-spiral staircase that flows into the great room.
    It’s as if I’m overlooking a scene from a Mardi
Gras parade. Explosions of color decorate the great room. Wild-eyed at the
scene before me, I take my first jumbled step down the staircase. I’ve never
worn heels before.
    Party guests are dressed in enthusiastic colors of
sequence, masks, face paint, headpieces, and feathers – lots of
feathers. Costume jewelry sparkles
so brilliantly it blinds me as I make my descent.
    Generous arrangements of food and beverages are
scattered around the room. A folk band plays spirited music from the corner

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