The Weaving of Wells (Osric's Wand, Book Four)

The Weaving of Wells (Osric's Wand, Book Four) by Jack D. Albrecht Jr., Ashley Delay Page B

Book: The Weaving of Wells (Osric's Wand, Book Four) by Jack D. Albrecht Jr., Ashley Delay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack D. Albrecht Jr., Ashley Delay
Tags: The Osric's Wand Series: Book 4
she was able to identify his emotion. What she thought must be sadness or terror, to have such an effect on her, was nothing of the sort. The intensity of the emotion must have been due to the recent, agonizing lack of it for both of them—it was hope.

5 — Patterns on Parchment
    Osric entered the Tipsy Tree with a heavy heart. He took a seat at the bar and nodded to Leisha. She had a steaming mug of rulha in front of him before he had scanned the room and its meager collection of scattered patrons. He smiled his thanks and sipped the beverage slowly. Within moments Kenneth had taken the stool next to him.
    “What is it with cryptic languages and unreadable books that we can’t seem to avoid?” Osric’s frustration was tempered by his friendly sarcasm.
    “You’re just such a mysterious guy, Os. Of course one mystery after another falls in your lap.”
    “Right. I knew it was my fault.” His half-hearted laughter showed he was only partially joking.
    “So what is it this time?”
    “That book we picked up from the island well is exactly what we need, and we aren’t any closer to being able to use it. Trevar is sure it’s the key to the well locations and access, but he can’t actually read it. No one in this city seems to have any idea what language most of it is written in, never mind being able to translate it,” Osric said. Kenneth whistled softly into his mug of mead and shook his head.
    “Just our luck. How can the kid be sure it’s the right book if he can’t read it?”
    “Something about the symbols. He was taught the book exists, but he had never seen it before. He insists no other book would have those symbols on it. He seems sure, so I see no reason to doubt it until we can get it translated. If he’s right, it could mean the only way we can defeat Dredek without sacrificing every innocent life that pledges to our cause.”
    “So what are we going to do?” Kenneth finished off his drink and shook his head when Leisha offered a refill. “How are we going to find someone to read it?”
    “I’ve got Aridis and Eublin working on that. I am more concerned about being ready to pursue the wells when the locations are discovered. I need you to make sure the men are ready. I also want to do some specific recruiting.”
    “What do you have in mind?” Kenneth turned his full attention on his friend.
    “Up until now, we have been taking in any trustworthy body who wants to help. If we are going to successfully use the wells, we are going to need specific gifts and skill sets. I wish I knew more about how they work, but Bridgett has been able to get a bit more information from Trevar since we found the book.” Osric looked around as the bar began to fill up with regulars seeking an evening meal. “Let’s head back to the barracks and I will fill you in.”
    Kenneth nodded and rose from his stool. “I need to stop by the Vigil assignment post at the palace. There are a few men I will need to speak with later when we are done, and I don’t want them out on patrol when I call for them.”
    “Just meet me in the south dining hall when you’re done.” Osric left a few coins on the bar and headed back to the barracks.
    * * *
    “Sprites seem attracted to the magic in this place.” James smiled and leaned back in his chair. “They take care of tending the fields as if they were created to sculpt perfectly tailored grounds. There are more of them every day, and whether that is from mating or whether more just gather in our enclosure, I don’t know. And their tending has caused remarkable improvements in our yields from the garden. Orson’s contribution to the gardens aside, I think the sprites have done more to improve our crops than anything we could have done.”
    “So do you think it’s the barrier that is bringing the sprites, or the magics we are experimenting with inside?” Osric squinted, unsure of the direction the conversation was taking.
    “I am hopelessly lost when it comes to

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