They Were Born Upon Ashes
the fact that she was standing right there in front of him.
    She began to tell him of her travels. She told him why she felt she needed to be with him.
    Nothing else truly mattered in those moments. All Nick could do was smile like a baby who was innocent and sheltered from the reality of a harsh world. Nick vowed to never leave her side again. Though it was something that he knew would be troubling to ensure in the uncertain future.
    The moonlight glistened off of her face. It illuminated her white smile and blonde hair. Time after time Nick was taken back by her beauty. The night began to get colder. It was nearing the winter months and it would surely be a cold winter. Ice and snow will ravage all of Hentrio but the worst of it always comes through Ralton.
    As the chills continued to creep down Nick’s own spine he took off his black coat and put it on Penny.
    “There are some things I experienced in Genold City I think you should know about,” said Penny. “Important things.”
    “What is it?”
    “In fact, I think both you and the leaders of this group should hear of what I encountered.”
    “I’ve been training with the leaders of the group,” said Nick. “Come, I will introduce you and you can tell us of your experiences.”
    The sound of a throat being cleared was heard from the fire pit beside the two.
    “She’s very pretty, Nick,” said Elizabeth.
    “I’m sorry,” said Nick. He smiled and pulled Penny towards Elizabeth. “Penny, this is Elizabeth. She helped me on my first day at Castle Teon. And, Elizabeth, this is my girlfriend Penny. She is the one who makes me feel like the luckiest man alive.”
    They both smiled and shook each other’s hands.
    Penny and Nick began to walk away to head north up the dirt road where the king’s men were situated. Nick looked back at Elizabeth and said, “Keep practicing your meditation. The more you do it the better you become. You can conquer any obstacle when your mind reaches its true potential.”
    “I’ll keep at it, don’t you worry,” said Elizabeth.
    Nick made his way back to the fire pit that the king’s men were situated at. They were all fast asleep. Even Andrew and Dani, whom Nick was with only a mere fifteen minutes earlier. They decided to have the meet and greet as the sun rose instead of interrupting everyone’s sleep. They all had had a long day of travels that should be rewarded with a full night’s rest.
    Nick and Penny got situated and lay side by side. Nick put his arm around her and held on to her tightly. There was nothing like the warm embrace of a lover on a cold night under the stars. Nick fell asleep with a smile on his face. Penny had ridden all day and she fell into a deep slumber just minutes after Nick did. All of those miles traveled were no match to her reward. She felt as though she would do it all again if she had to in order to be where she was in that moment. Everything was worth it and no one could take away their happiness.
    “Where do you think he found that beauty?”
    “I don’t know. But I’m willing to find her sister. Or her mother. Or even her aunt.”
    “Yes, you should do that. In fact, why don’t you start at the back of the group.”
    Nick’s eyes slowly opened to the sight of Ron and Tyler standing over Nick and Penny. The sun was just creeping over the thick forest canopy. The birds were chirping and singing in every direction as the sunlight hit their nests.
    “You two are idiots,” said Nick.
    Tyler crouched and leaned in towards Nick’s face until his mouth was an inch from his ear. He stood there for what seemed like a minute without saying a word. Nick felt strangely uncomfortable.
    “What are you doing?” asked Nick.
    “Where are her relatives?” asked Tyler in the quietest of whispers.
    “Vincot. If you leave now you’ll be there in three days.”
    “Well, good for you, young buck, good for you,” said Tyler.
    Tyler and Ron stepped back and walked over to the burning embers

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