Through The Pieces

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Book: Through The Pieces by Bobbi Jo Bentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz
quickly, my lips already missing his.
    "We’ll wait until you come back to open them."
    "Well at least let Maggie open her gifts." He winked at me. God he was beautiful to look at.
    Buck left and I let Maggie open her gifts. He’d gotten her some dolls and some a fishing rod and fishing tackle. I sure hoped he planned to take her fishing, since I didn't know the first thing about it. She loved her gifts and as soon as I got her to bed, I planned to send him a text to thank him. I got Maggie and Pippi settled in her room, moved the litter box to her room, closed the door, then took a quick shower. Back in my own room, I grabbed my phone and texted Buck.
    Me: Maggie loves her gifts. Thank you!
    My phone pinged almost immediately.
    Buck: Glad to hear it. I will take her fishing in the spring.
    Oh, well I guess he planned on being a part of our lives for quite sometime. This revelation brought a smile to my face.
    Me: Deal
    Buck: Did you open yours?
    Me: I said I would when you are here
    Buck: Open it
    Me: Okay
    He certainly didn't have to ask me twice. I went in the kitchen, grabbed the box with my name on it, and return to my room. Inside the box was bubble wrap. I pulled it out and found an oil diffuser, some scented oil, another small box, and an envelope. I opened the envelope.
    Merry Christmas and thank you for inviting me to spend the day with you and Maggie. I have watched you become a stronger independent woman. You are not a victim, you are a survivor. You deserve and are deserving of something wonderful. Despite the things you’ve been through, you shine brighter than any diamond.Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.
    Will Buckingham (Buck)
    P.S. The oil diffuser will help when Boris comes to visit.
    He was unbelievably kind and wonderful. Tears escaped my eyes. I hadn't cried because I was happy in a long time. I looked at the small box and frowned. It was the size a ring would come in, black velvet with a tiny red bow. I inspected it for a few minutes, then opened it. Inside was a diamond pendant. It was exquisite. But how could I accept this beautiful and obviously expensive gift? I snapped the little box shut and got my phone.
    Me: That was the kindest note I have ever gotten, but I can't accept the necklace.
    Buck: Thank you and yes you can. Now I am turning my phone off. Sweet dreams, Claire...
    Oh, that sneaky jerk. I opened the box and touched the diamond. It was gorgeous. I smiled and put it on my nightstand. I needed to get some sleep. I turned the light off and crawled into bed. After flipping and flopping a bit, I sat up and turned on the light again. Taking the necklace from its velvet resting spot, I fastened it around my neck. I switched off the lamp once more, and with one hand clutching the pendant, I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 14
    In the days following Christmas, Maggie and I enjoyed our new kitten. Pippi was a welcome addition to the family. I had just got done with a long shift and needed to go home and shower before picking up Maggie. My whole body felt as if I had just run a marathon. My legs were like noodles and my back was stiff. I climbed up my stairs, imagining the hot bath I would be in soon. As I climbed the last step, I noticed my door was ajar Odd. I knew I had locked it. I pushed it open and my stomach dropped at the sight in front of me. My hands trembled.
    "Claire." Scott casually sat on my couch. Frozen in place, I was in some sort of nightmare and could not wake up. "Well, are you going to say something?"
    Was I? Could I even talk? The tremor in my hands increased and my palms were sweating. The fear building inside me made my breath hitch. "Wh--Why are you here?" My voice was a whisper.
    "I missed you."
    "You--ah, can't be here. I have a restraining order." My words came out choppy.
    "But you are my wife, Claire. You belong to me."
    I nervously looked around. "You need to leave, please."
    He got up from the couch, stomped over to me, and

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