Timeshock - I Want My Life Back

Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Page A

Book: Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy Michael Lewis
Tags: TIme Travel Thriller
before rushing off.  
    He asked Raymond what had happened.   Raymond said he had been suspecting Natalie was having an affair for a while, though he ignored it.   Then she had foolishly decided to tell him after they had had an enormous row.

    Nigel told Raymond he needed to ring the police and confess.   Raymond naturally did not seem keen on the idea.   Nigel thought for a second.   He was going to fix this with the time machine, so it didn’t matter what happened here.   So he decided to say to Raymond he would help him cover it up.

    This relaxed Raymond considerably.   Nigel used it as an excuse to pump Raymond for information.
    “What date was it that I travelled to the past again - I was trying to remember but my memory is all hazy.”
    “It was the 4th June two years ago.   You know if you had come back as you promised I would have taken you up on your offer to use the machine.   I’d so loved to have saved my sister.   I still can’t believe she is gone.”

    “Well, believe me time travel is over-rated.   Who do you think Natalie was having an affair with?”
    “Pepe, her personal trainer.”
    “Oh I didn’t know she had a personal trainer.”
    “Yes, they train together here every Saturday afternoon when I go to watch the football.” Then Raymond remembered what he had done and started crying.
    “Don’t worry, I will fix this,”   Nigel said concealing the fact he wouldn’t fix it for this Raymond but himself.

    Nigel made his excuses and left the house. He rang the police anonymously and reported Raymond.   He then went to a local park and set the time machine to go back to last Saturday afternoon as he knew Raymond would be out.

    Travelling back those few days took virtually no perceived time to Nigel.   He returned to Raymond and Natalie’s house and he rung the doorbell.   There was no response so Nigel went around the back.  

    To his horror he saw Natalie making love to a muscle-bound Hispanic man who he guessed was Pepe her personal trainer.   They were too busy to notice Nigel staring at them.   He quickly left.  

    Clearly she had been having multiple affairs.   Nigel sat in a local park for about half an hour crying and then went back to the house to confront Natalie.

    Again he rung the bell. Nigel was shaking.   Natalie answered the door.

    “How could you?” demanded Nigel.
    “What?” Natalie seemed confused.
    “I saw you sleeping with someone through the window!”
    “What?   You’ve been spying on me!”
    “I tried the door but you didn’t answer so went around the back.”
    “Oh. Well it just kind of happened when you were away. I was going to end it with Pepe,” said Natalie who held her head low in shame.
    “To think I thought you loved me.”
    “But you abandoned me when you went back in time.”
    “That was the other Nigel.”
    “But it was him I loved.   We were never lovers, he never would.”
    “Until Nigel left I never cheated on Raymond - and we weren’t even married then.”
    “Oh” said Nigel.
    “You, err.. I mean ..err.. the other Nigel deserted me, and Raymond seemed disappointed as he wanted to go back in time as well.   How do you think I took it - both men in my life wanted to go back in time and abandon me.”
    Trash“So you ended up having an affair with Pepe?”
    “Yes. Raymond married me to secure our relationship and as a fool I accepted - we should never have married.”

    Nigel knew what to do.   He gave Natalie the plans to the time machine and told her to give them to him the next time they met.   He said that he wouldn’t remember this meeting.   Natalie looked very confused.  

    “He won’t know that you cheated with Pepe,” said Nigel.
    “What?   You know.   What - are you yet another Nigel?!?”
    “Yes, it’s very hard to explain.   Give him the plans and tell him another Nigel came from the future and gave them to you.   And don’t tell him about Pepe!”
    “I wasn’t planning

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