Timeshock - I Want My Life Back

Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Page B

Book: Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy Michael Lewis
Tags: TIme Travel Thriller
    “Can you promise to ditch Pepe and be faithful to him?”
    “Well I was going to dump Pepe anyway,” said Natalie in a tone that sounded honest if not exactly certain.
    “Do not under any circumstances tell Raymond you are having an affair.   In the future he kills you because you do.”
    “Oh my god - is that why you came back?”
    “Thank you.”

    With that Nigel left the house and went back to a local park again.   He set the machine to go back to the 4th June 2012.   Nigel for once had a trouble-free appearance in the new time period.

Chapter 19
    It was nice to feel sun on his face for a change, Nigel thought.   He realised he had no idea where his other self had actually travelled back in time from.   It was unlikely it was from his flat - it was too small.   He didn’t seem to rent any business space, so it wasn’t from there.  

    Surely Nigel would try a test first.   A small journey into the past to see if the machine worked.   Where would he do that?   Think.   Think.   Both Natalie and Raymond knew about the machine - maybe he had left from their house?

    Nigel raced over to Raymond and Natalie’s house.   He saw the Nigel from this time wheeling a machine with a platform out of a van and into the house.

    Nigel’s master-plan had a flaw.   His time machine didn’t look anything like Nigel’s original machine.   He would have to wing it and build a new machine if he could get his hands on Nigel’s original plans.

    He crept behind a small wall outside the house and tried to look in.   A cat from the local neighbourhood was taking an unusual interest in him.   He pushed it away and looked in to see that Raymond and Natalie seemed slightly bemused by the machine.   There was much laughing and joking between the three of them.

    The cat was pestering Nigel again and he pushed it away.   It made a growling noise at Nigel and he froze.   Had they heard him?  

    Thank God, no they hadn’t.   He saw the other Nigel program the machine to go back 3 minutes. The cat was also looking over at the other Nigel and the machine now, its curiosity piqued as well.
    The other Nigel stood on the machine with a flourish and activated it.   He disappeared.   Natalie and Raymond waited for a minute or two and then started to get concerned.
    Nigel sensed his opportunity and began to think on his feet.   He rung the doorbell.

    “Nigel?” exclaimed Natalie.
    “Yes, it’s me.   It was a success but the machine was a write-off.   I went back in time!” said Nigel lying.
    “Well it’s good you succeeded, Nigel.   Shame about the machine though,” said Raymond pushing his way alongside Natalie at the door.
    “Well, it worked and I think I can build a new one.   You will get to go back in time Raymond!”
    “Let’s have a beer to celebrate!” exclaimed Raymond.

    With that they went inside and relaxed.   Thankfully the other Nigel had left the keys to his van with Natalie and in it he found plans for the machine.

    Over the next few months Nigel worked on a new platform based time machine copying the original design.  

    After several months, on a cold November’s day, Nigel unveiled his new machine to Raymond and Natalie.
    “It’s very simple to operate,” said Nigel, showing the controls to Raymond.
    “Yes, I understand,” nodded Raymond.
    “Going back to change Hitler’s destiny is a massive change.   I’d prefer if we tried a smaller change first,” said Nigel looking at Raymond.
    “Do you want me to go back and save my sister first?”
    “Yes, I think that would be a good idea.   I’ve proved it works, so go back and save your sister.”
    “Great.   I’ll get my things!”   With that Raymond left to go upstairs.   Natalie looked a bit concerned.

    “Is that thing safe Nigel?” asked Natalie.
    “It won’t kill him but there is always a risk he won’t come back.   We don’t really know what happens with proper time travel,”

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