Tonight The World Dies

Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Page A

Book: Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber White
room, Dean in Steven and Sparky’s room. Billie had been tied up in the girls’ room, forced to entertain them with tea parties and puppet theaters. I was ‘graced’ with being forced into Mary and Elizabeth’s room. They made me play dress up and used me as a guinea pig for their sadistic makeup rituals.
    A week into my torture, they had me in a short skirt and tube top, stilettos strapped to my feet and about two pounds of homemade makeup on my face, my bound hands hanging from a rope attached to the celling. Andy passed the open door, stopped, backtracked and peeked in, a rather lecherous grin on his face.
    “Hey there hot-stuff.” He said.
    “You ever get a stiletto to the face?” I asked.
    “Once, yes, at this crazy bachelorette party.” He grinned.
    “Let me guess, you got in trying to claim you were a strip-o-gram and they freaked out when they saw just how hideous you were.”
    “Now that really hurt.” He frowned.
    Mary slapped my hand. “Be nice to him!”
    He walked in, standing in front of me, trying to get a good look. He ran his hands down my arms, onto my chest and further. I shuddered.
    “Why don’t we see what you look like with your arms down? Though I admit I like the idea of you being tied up.” He said, releasing the rope holding my arms up.
    I punched him in the jaw. Elizabeth slapped me hard, and I fell over, unable to keep my balance in the heels.
    “Apologize!” She ordered.
    Andy rubbed the red spot on his face, angry.
    “All right, I’ll apologize for punching him in the face. But he’s got to apologize for existing!” I said.
    “Forget it Elizabeth. Girls like that don’t apologize to people. They’d rather torture them.” Andy said.
    “Torture? You want to talk about torture? Let’s play the never-ending dress up sleepover with Dementia and Fester over here, and see how you like it!” I said. “I was just defending myself against a pretentious douchbag who keeps harassing me!”
    That was apparently the wrong thing to say. As Andy walked off, still rubbing his jaw, Mary and Elizabeth forced me to my feet at gun point, stringing my up more tightly than before. Elizabeth kept the pistol, the pistol they had stolen from me, trained on my head as Mary dug something out of their closet. At first I thought it would be another revolting outfit until I saw it, a short black whip. And not just any whip, no. These freaks had a cat-o-nine tails, complete with tiny knots at the end.
    “You do not talk to us like that!” Mary all but shrieked.
    They striped me bare and took turns beating me, whipping me harder the more I cried out. I could do nothing to stop them, my arms shaking as I strained against my bonds. Without the stilettos, I was forced onto my toes, my legs trembling in their attempt to keep me standing.
    Andy rushed back in, Bobby right behind him.
    “What are you doing?” Andy screamed, horrified.
    “We’re punishing her.” Mary said, matter-of-factly.
    “You can’t do that to her! We need her completely healthy for the experiment!” Bobby said.
    “What’s going on now?” Brennan said, walking in.
    “Your daughters where flogging her.” Bobby said, agitated.
    “Girls?” Brennan said.
    “She hit Andy, and called us nasty names!” The girls said.
    “I need her healthy and without any wounds for the experiment.” Bobby said.
    “Girls, let her down.” Brennan ordered.
    “But Dad!” They moaned.
    “Don’t argue with me. Let her down, and if she gets so much as another scratch from you two, she’s going into a different room, where you won’t be able to visit her.” He said.
    The girls untied me grudgingly, tossing my clothes at my feet. “Get dressed.” Mary ordered. Elizabeth pointed the gun at me again. How could two once sweet girls become so sadistic?
    I dressed slowly, blood dripping from the wounds they inflicted.
    “I can get you out of this room.” Andy whispered in my ear.
    “Into where? Your room? I don’t think so.” I

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