form that she was waiting anxiously for my answer.
    “I don’t think much of him.” It was an honest reply. I shuffled through the bottles in the little wicker basket. I was trying to find something other than black, plum, a blackish-plum. I should’ve brought my own. It was silly of me to think that Hailey would have a decent color on hand.
    “Good,” she said with a haughty little sniff. “I called dibs on him a long time ago. That kind of thing never expires.”
    Phoebe nudged me and opened up her purse. A half dozen bottles of nail polish rolled around inside. I poked around and found one that was much more suited to me than anything Hailey had. I smiled and pulled it out.
    I turned back to Hailey. “Fine by me. You can have Blake. Forever and ever for all I care,” I said as I forced a smile.
    “If only she could catch him,” Phoebe muttered as she stifled a giggle. “This Goth Girl thing is not helping you in the love department, is it?”
    “No,” Hailey said with a pout. She leaned back against her dresser, spreading her hands out on the floor to wait for them to dry. “But it is making my parents crazy. Dad had his boss over for dinner last night. You should’ve seen the look on their faces when I came down the stairs. I found some lemon yellow hair extensions. Just the effect I was going for. It was priceless.” She laughed but then sighed. “I hope they give in soon. I didn’t think they’d hold out this long. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. Black is so tedious. I don’t want to look like I’m wearing the same clothes every day. I really have to strain my creativity.”
    I glanced up at her open closet. Hangers were filled with a sea of black fabric. A mountain of black footwear was piled below. I wondered just how much her new wardrobe had cost. Her parents might’ve been better off putting the money towards the convertible she was so childishly holding out for.
    “You are so spoiled,” Phoebe declared.
    “I know,” Hailey sighed. Then she sighed again, louder.
    “What?” Phoebe asked her suspiciously.
    Hailey’s eyes drifted to the plastic bag of cotton candy. It was sitting next to the overflowing crystal candy bowl on her dresser.
    Phoebe’s eyes swung from Hailey to the cotton candy and back to Hailey again. “And?” she asked testily.
    “Will you tear me off a hunk?” Hailey asked hopefully.
    Phoebe groaned. “You need help. Like, we need to find you a chapter of Sugar Addicts Anonymous.”
    “ Please ?” Hailey whined.
    Phoebe tossed her a dirty look.
    “Please, please, pretty please? With heaps and gobs of sugar on top!” Hailey sang.
    Phoebe closed her eyes and clenched her jaw.
    “My nails are still wet. Yours aren’t,” she begged. “Olivia would do it for me if she was here.”
    “Fine,” Phoebe growled as she got to her feet. “But I’m not getting it for you because Olivia would. I’m getting it so you’ll shut up!”  She pulled open the package and tore off a big chunk of blue fluff. Hailey opened her mouth like a baby bird and Phoebe tossed it inside. “I can’t believe I’m enabling,” she mumbled.
    “Enable me with just one more chunk would you?” Hailey smiled at her sweetly. I giggled at the conflicted look on Phoebe’s face.
    Phoebe tore off a larger chunk this time and shoved it into Hailey’s open mouth. She looked at me. “She’s sick. Isn’t she sick?”  
    I just smiled and shrugged. 
    Hailey smiled at her happily as the sugar melted over her tongue. “You come across so tough but everyone knows you’re really just a big pile of melted goo inside.”
    “Really?” Phoebe asked a little too seriously. “Because I thought you said everyone thought I was the Ice Princess.”
    “You’re an ice princess on the outside that has melted to goo on the inside ,” Hailey said diplomatically.
    Phoebe rolled her eyes and I finished up my last pinkie nail. I wasn’t in the mood for this today. I was regretting

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