Underworld Queen

Underworld Queen by Sharon Hamilton Page A

Book: Underworld Queen by Sharon Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Hamilton
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
moaning, eyes closed. He delicately moved her chin to the left and licked the unblemished skin on the other side, sucking a kiss from her flesh until he felt the welt developing. She went wild; her internal muscles squeezed him over and over until he could not control himself.
    He was lost in the flow of his seed and her need of every drop when they heard the main door open several shelves away.
    Molly was up and on her feet so fast, he had no time to get his pants hiked back over his hips. As they stepped into the library from the side door, they escaped discovery by whoever had entered the stacks.
    Carl quickly tucked his shirt back in, turning away from students as Molly led him around the corner to the safety of unconcerned library patrons.
    He hugged her, but tried not to show passion. “I am so sorry, Molly. I fear perhaps I have cost you your job.”
    She nodded her head and smoothed her pink fingers over his chest, toying with his pocket, his buttons, waving her long auburn lashes up and down as if cooling him. It only served to further fan the flames of his desire.
    I just can’t get enough of her.
    “I think I have a different job, now.”
    Job? What job?
    She must have seen his confusion. She pressed her mound against his thigh and whispered, “My job is to pleasure you for as long as you’ll have me.”
    Somewhere Carl found the strength to look the head librarian in the eyes shortly before he left. “It’s a new relationship. We are both consenting adults, and she isn’t one of my students,” he managed to say.
    “It’s a library, Professor!” She spat out with disdain.
    “Yes, and you have my word it won’t happen again. But I have to say, I’ve been at this college for almost eight years now, and I’ve seen worse. Much worse.”
    She glared back at him, speechless.
    “And so have you,” he added before he left the building.
    Carl had a big glass of wine ready for Molly when her green Volkswagen rattled up the driveway and sputtered twice after the ignition was turned off. He had prepared a special dinner, complete with some chocolate dessert, anticipating she had lost her job.
    She accepted the wine happily and walked past him into the house, carrying a bag over her shoulder. Carl looked down at his canvas slip-ons and smiled. “So, how bad was it?” he asked as he followed her to the living room and took a sip of wine.
    “Bad,” she said without turning around. She dropped her bag and her right shoulder, with a sigh.
    Carl was quickly behind her, “Well, then can I make it better?”
    “Yes. I would like that.” She leaned into him as he folded his body around hers, removed her clip, letting her red curls cascade down to her waist. He pulled her hair aside gently, kissing the bruise he had made on her neck this afternoon.
    “I am so sorry that I caused you…pain…”
    “No pain. It was wonderful and worth it.”
    “Worth it?” he said as he allowed a forefinger to trace down her low cut sweater and breech the top of her bra and then inside. His hand squeezed the wonder of her left breast. It felt like it was her heart he held.
    “It was worth every agonizing minute of the two-and-a-half hours I had to stay there, waiting to be with you again.” She turned around and smiled.
    “And your job?”
    “Well, I’ve lost my stacks privileges, for now. But my advisor called me on the way home, and he said he’d had a pleasant conversation about it with the head librarian, and they shared a good laugh.”
    Carl kissed her, almost spilling their wine.
    “Not sure what you told her, but my advisor said to let you know you were right.”

Chapter 12

    J onas didn’t touch the angel in front of him who claimed to be a distant relative. He stiffened his spine, stuck his chin out straight and lowered his gaze over the next several seconds until their eyes met. He wanted Rupert to get the full import of Jonas’ size, notwithstanding the fact that he stood a good foot taller than

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