
Unknown by Unknown Page B

Book: Unknown by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
    ‘Mmm,’ she nodded blissfully, recalling that this time yesterday she had been on her way to Seacombe to escape Luke Major and now here she was going along with him—and enjoying every minute. It was strange how her feelings had changed in a few short hours. ‘Who wouldn’t be—on such a marvellous day?’
    ‘And with such marvellous company?’ his dimple giving away to the humour which accompanied his statement.
    ‘But of course—-I like modest men.'
    He laughed. ‘And I like you. It must be years since I gave myself a day off like this. I’m determined to make the most of it.’
    ‘Surely you have holidays?'
    ‘Of a kind—usually busman’s holidays. No, I feel free today. I’m going to forget about work.’
    Taryn pulled a face. ‘I was going to ask what you thought of the progress at Dale End, but I suppose I’d better keep quiet.’
    ‘That’s different—I don't mind talking about the house. It’s going to be my retreat—my little hideaway.’ He braked quickly to avoid a stray lamb that had wandered across the road. ‘I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Andy’s raked together some good men, and between them they’re working wonders.’
    ‘Do you approve of the decor?’
    His mouth twitched. ‘Naturally. I knew I would. I told you I trusted your taste.’
    ‘Thank you, kind sir,’ said Taryn demurely. ‘I can’t wait to see the finished result. I’ve had a whale of a time choosing the furniture and the carpets and the curtains.’ She put her head to one side contemplatively. ‘You know, I might take up interior designing if this turns out successfully. I rather fancy myself in that role.’
    He shot her a sidelong glance. ‘In preference to your old job?’
    ‘Definitely. I’ve come to the conclusion that high fashion is not for me. I don’t regret it. My training will still help. It’s given me an eye for colour and the blending of colours and textures. It can be applied equally to fabrics or houses.’
    ‘Well said,’ applauded Luke. ‘If you do decide to change over to interior designing let me know. I might be able to give you a few leads.’
    An hour later the road led them alongside a river. ‘Let’s rest a while,’ said Luke, stopping the car and stretching his arms lazily above his head. ‘They certainly didn’t make these cars with tall men in mind.’
    ‘You insisted,’ laughed Taryn. ‘Come on, let's cross to the other side.’
    A series of rocks led to the opposite bank, looking as though they had been put there for that purpose. Taryn took off her sandals and rolled up her jeans. ‘In case I slip,’ she explained, but Luke, it seemed, had no such qualms. He strode easily from boulder to boulder, pausing occasionally to ensure that Taryn was following safely.
    He had almost reached the other side when his foot slipped on a stone that, because it was lower in the water, was covered by a layer of slime. His arms flailed the air in a futile attempt to regain his balance. Taryn started to laugh at the comical picture he presented, but her mirth changed to concern when his hand caught her arm and she went down in the water with him. For a moment they looked at each other in silence. Then Luke’s dimples appeared. Suddenly they were both helpless with laughter.
    ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, once he had regained his composure. ‘You’re not hurt?’
    ‘I’m not sure.’ Taryn flexed her limbs experimentally. She rubbed her hip. ‘A bit sore where I fell, but otherwise fine.’
    ‘Good—but what a sight we look! Shall we go back to die car or lie down in the sun until we dry out?’
    ‘We’ll go back. I’ve brought my swimming gear with me—and a pair of Robert’s trunks for you. If we change into those it will save wetting the car. Once we get to Seacombe we can dry our clothes there.’
    ‘Efficient as well as pretty.’ His voice held admiration and Taryn felt a warm glow spread through her body. Determinedly she moved away. Nothing

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