Want You Back

Want You Back by Karen Whiddon Page A

Book: Want You Back by Karen Whiddon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Whiddon
kiss,” he said, pitching his voice low and using the tone he’d once used to say sweet nothings in her ear.
    Silence. He pictured Jenny flushing red and felt an irrational surge of desire.
    “I’d prefer to forget about that.” Her tone was icy. “Monica will be handling your account from now on. Of course I’ll still do the actual bookkeeping, but your contact with my office will be through Monica.” He’d see about that. For now though, he decided to let it go. But only for now. “That’s okay, Jen. Since we’re going to the picnic together, I can live with that.”
    Her gasp of outrage sounded like the Jenny he remembered. “Are you the one who started that rumor?”
    Jake nearly laughed. “Rumor?” He pretended a little outrage himself. “It’s no rumor, it’s a fact. The paper printed it and when they called me to confirm, I told them they were correct.”
    “Call them back,” she ordered. He could hear the desperation under the bossy tone. “Tell them they were wrong.”
    Some devil drove him on. “Jenny, you promised to help me in any way you could. You’re well known and well liked in this town and me being seen with you will help strengthen my image. If you back out now, it will only make us both look bad.”
    Jake could imagine the wheels turning inside her head. If there was one thing that would bother this new Jenny, it would be looking bad in front of the town. Sadly, he wished it were different. Once, Jenny had been a free spirit, answering to no one and doing what she pleased, when she pleased. While some of the more conservative members of town might have gossiped about her, she hadn’t cared. She helped out people when they needed it and was well liked despite the fact that she was different.
    “No one has to look bad,” she finally said, her voice sounding weak.
    He said nothing. He didn’t have to.
    “Fine.” Grudgingly, she conceded the point. “I’ll go with you to the picnic. But it will be strictly business, do you understand? No more of this—” She choked up.
    Gleefully, he could picture her blush. “Kissing?” he offered innocently .
    Another silence, this one making him wonder what thoughts were going through her head.
    “Monica will be handling your account,” she said once more.
    Again he chose to ignore this statement. “Jenny, I only want to be your friend.”
    She snorted—actually snorted. Exactly like she used to when she thought someone was spreading a pile of manure. Heart soaring, Jake took this as a promising sign.
    “Seriously,” he pressed on. “I am sorry I hurt you so badly. I’m sorry that you seem to hate me so much.”
    “Face it, Jake.” A trace of dry amusement came through in her voice. “You’re just plain sorry.”
    Then she laughed. It was not the polite little laugh ter she’d used the night before at the restaurant. It was the full, from-the-belly, smoky, husky laughter than had made him fall in love with her in the first place.
    Hearing it, Jake closed his eyes and swayed. She sounded so much like the old Jenny. Vital, full of life.
    The force of the emotion that hit him wrenched his gut.
    Somehow, he had to find the right words. “You may just be right,” he managed, knowing his voice sounded like he’d swallowed rusty nails and wonder ing if she remembered enough about him to know what that mean t. “ But I really want to be your friend. ”
    Another silence. He could hear his heart pumping, guessing hers was doing the same.
    “I think it’s too late for that.” she finally said, “you were everything to me, Jake, once.”
    It hurt hearing her say that, even though her words mirrored exactly what she’d meant to him. Past tense, he reminded himself. It had to be; even if he were free to tell her the truth, he could never allow himself to be anything to her but a friend. Not now. She deserved so much more than he could ever give.
    Jake bowed his head, wishing desperately he could touch her, knowing he must not. For

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